March 28, 2025 18:44 PM

A 4-Year-Old Asks NASA For Homework Help, This Is What Happened

A 4-year-old by the name of Lucas Whiteley asks NASA for homework help and this is what happened.

Whiteley, an inquisitive young boy with a lot of inquiries as to the origins of the universe decided to have his questions answered by no other than the experts.

A U.K. native, the brave boy asked the help of his father to create a video where he asks NASA for some homework help. The video eventually reached the space agency and heard the boy's queries, and with all their wisdom, knowledge and goodwill responded with their own video for answers.

The 4-year-old's questions are as follows:

1. How many stars are in the universe?

2. Who came in second and third place in the race to the moon?

3. Have animals been sent to the moon?

This is what happened: In reply, NASA created a 10-minute video and posted it on YouTube. Ted Garbeff, NASA engineer of the Ames Research Center in California was patient to address each of Whiteley's questions in order to help with his homework. As a bonus, Garbeff even offered the 4-year-old a tour of the NASA facility.

According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, James Whiteley, Lucas' father said, "When I was a kid I wrote to NASA and got a brochure, so when Lucas was doing a project on space I thought we might be lucky if we sent a video of Lucas asking some questions."

He added, "What we got back was amazing. Obviously Ted has thought about his audience and gone to a lot of trouble just for them."

4-year-old Lucas Whiteley is not the first young student to ask NASA and got to receive a personal response from them, and probably some homework help. Just last year, 7-year-old Dexter wrote to NASA, in the hopes of flying to Mars. NASA sent him a package in response and encouraged him to pursue his passion.

To watch NASA's 10-minute reply to Lucas, view th video below.

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