March 30, 2025 10:07 AM

Governor Jan Brewer Vetoes Arizona's SB 1062

Arizona's Senate Bill 1062 was finally vetoed by Governor Jan Brewer after justifiable outrage by, well pretty much everyone who isn't employed by the State Senate in Arizona. According to AZCentral.Com, Brewer announced her decision in a rare news conference in the rotunda outside her office, saying: "Senate Bill 1062 ... could divide Arizona in ways we cannot even imagine and no one would ever want. “Let’s turn the ugliness of the debate over Senate Bill 1062 into a renewed search for greater respect and understanding among all Arizonans and Americans.”

The bill that was passed by Arizona Legislators would have offered a legal defense for individuals and businesses facing discrimination lawsuits if they proved they had acted on a “sincerely held religious belief.” However, critics believed the bill was slated as a way to give business legal protection for their right to refuse service to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

"As governor, I have protected religious freedoms when there is a specific and present concern that exists in our state," Brewer said. "Senate Bill 1062 does not address a specific and present concern related to religious liberty in Arizona. I have not heard of one example in Arizona where a business owner's religious liberty has been violated."

Politics, Arizona
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