March 29, 2025 13:11 PM

The Power of Chakras: Heal Yourself through Inner Peace

Chakras are centers of awareness in the human universe. They are found in the subtle energy systems of our body- in the cells, organs and hormones that determine the inner most workings of our being. These energy centers are neither physical nor anatomical, and most people deny their very existence but as most Christians will be the first to forcefully tell you, it's all about faith.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "turning" and it is a helpful way to understand the constant revolution of chakra energy. They absorb energies from without and convert it into the subtle material of the astral body. Just as a plant photosynthesized the sun's energy, our bodies feed off of the energy of the world around us. And it's a two way street. Mindfulness and peace of mind can make a positive impression in your direct atmosphere and influence harmony between the inner and outer worlds.

There are seven major chakras. The vibratory frequency of each chakra is expressed by the number of petals in the flower that acts as it's symbol. The lowest chakra (the root chakra) has only four petals, while the crown chakra has one thousand. These petals symbolize varying levels of human awareness, and chakra work is directed towards its development.

But Chakras are not just energy centers. They are centers of awareness. Over time, chakra work can help you resolve psychological afflictions including anxiety, stress and depression. The power of positive mindfulness and the law of attraction likewise will improve your concentration, negative thoughts, self-pity, afford you clarity of mind and prioritize what really matters in life.

Understanding your chakras will improve your physical health as well. It can strengthen your immune system, heal circulatory problems, harmonize your cardiovascular system and correct orthopedic problems.

At each level of awareness aligned with one of the seven chakras, you will trigger a learning process that will change the way you view the world around you.

Through the root chakra (Muladhara Chakra), you will learn to say yes to life and discover the source of life energy. This chakra is the basis of all other chakras and it's central theme is stability. The will to live is powerful and from this place we determine our sense of trust and groundedness

When you awaken the second chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra), you will be able to affirm your sexuality and sensual nature allowing you to feel at home in you body.A natural and uninhibited sexuality and loving acceptance of yourself generate from this, the sacral chakra.

Developing the third chakra (Manipura Chakra) awakens your inner strength and will help you attain your goals. The Naval Chakra is the source of willpower, self-confidence and self-development. Fire is the primary element used to express this chakra.

Through the fourth chakra (Anahata Chakra) you will say yes to love and develop compassion for the people closest to you. This chakra links the lower three with the higher three centers of awareness.

Unraveling the fifth chakra (Vishudda Chakra) will unlock your creative potential and remediate any communication barriers you experience. Now is when the true awakening begins. This is the throat chakra and it leads the way to the higher chakras.

By the time you experience development of the sixth chakra (Ajna Chakra) you will connect with your higher self and unlock your power of intuition. The two principle energy channels ida and pingala meet at the forehead chakra. This union represents the transcendence of the inherent duality of all things.

And lastly the seventh chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) allows you to realize the true source of all being. Here lies all spirituality, enlightenment, and self-realization. This is the highest level of consciousness that one can attain.

There are many different ways to familiarize yourself with the chakras and it must be stressed that the chakras manifest themselves to everyone differently. Simply being aware of them allows you to begin to perceive and experience them. Through yoga, mediation, chiropractic work, holistic healing, walking in nature, anything you can think of to connect your self to your inner divinity, the chakras will present themselves to you.

For more information on the chakras research them and familiarize yourself with their power. Here are a few places to begin:

7 chakras for beginners

Chopra Center

Sacred Center

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