March 26, 2025 09:56 AM

Forest Travel for Healing Oneself

More than a space for adventure, the forest can actually be a space for meditation and healing, according to studies.

If you're tired from the hustle and bustle of the city, and you want to experience the peace that nature has to offer -- whilst healing yourself through an unconventional method -- then the forest is the perfect venue for you.

In Japan, a common practice of utilizing the forest surroundings as a healing agent is called Shinrin-yoku. Translated in English, this simply means 'taking in the forest atmosphere', or also known as 'forest bathing'.

You will feel it once you've actually tried it, spending time with mother nature creates healing energy for the mind, body and soul. The Shinrin-yoku idea was created and coined by the Japanese government in 1982, but it was originally inspired by ancient Shinto and Buddhist practices. The ancient practice teaches us that when we let nature enter into our bodies through the use of our five senses, we will feel at one with the forest. It is basically about being present and in the moment, minding the surrounding forest and the experience it brings.

It's far from just being alone in the wilderness, because it's about allowing one's body and psyche to settle down in the peace that the woods bring, particularly similar to natural aromatherapy.

According to researcher, a walk in the woods can: lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol; lower blood sugar, blood pressure and heart rate; and reduce depression and anger. Other studies say it can also boost the body's immune system.

Qing Li from the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo studied the process by bringing a group of middle-aged businessmen into the forest for three days in the years 2005 and 2006. After the experience, the businessmen showed results of blood tests with "Natural Killer" cells increasing by 40 percent. After a month, their NK cells hadn't changed and were still higher compared to when they first started. Also, when these people went for a walk in the city, their NK cells didn't change.

A theory why forest travel works is supposedly because trees give off scents of volatile oils. These oils called "phytoncides" are proven to increase the efficiency of NK cells.

A biologist named E.O. Wilson has coined the term 'biophilia' -- meaning 'love of life or living systems' -- and says that it is an innate human need.

Taking a simple hike in the woods may seem common to most of us, but it is an innate need and can give us countless benefits if we just pay attention to what nature has to offer.

If you want to see more proof of shinrin-yoku science, see the video below of the practice in Japan.

Health, Nature
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