March 6, 2025 22:31 PM

Philip Seymour Hoffman: ‘I’m Gonna Die’ [VIDEO]

New reports have been surfacing that six weeks before Philip Seymour Hoffman died, he already predicted his fate.

The Academy-Award winning actor has been reportedly on a heroin binge 6 weeks before he died. According to, friends of Hoffman revealed that the actor confided in them and told them he feared he was going to die of overdose.

Back in December, Hoffman had apparently told them that he was again starting to inject himself with heroin and "couldn't kick it". The 46-year-old actor told them that he would "kick it for a few days and then fall off the wagon."

The actor went back to rehab in order to get clean, but unfortunately this attempt didn't work out. During his last weeks, the actor allegedly looked 'dishevelled and dirty'. Somebody eventually asked the actor how bad of a state he was in and he answered, "If I don't stop I know I'm gonna die."

Another problem which eventually caused his death was his drinking excessively. Drinking too much ultimately ended his life because he made bad decisions regarding heroin use when drunk.

At the Sundance Film Festival this January, Hoffman also admitted his problem with heroin to a magazine publisher. John Arundel of Washington Life asked the actor what he did for a living and Hoffman just said, "I'm a heroin addict.'' Though admitting this, Arundel said that Hoffman "wanted people to know he was in recovery mode,''

According to the New York Post, before Hoffman's death, girlfriend of 15 years and mother of his three children Mimi O'Donell kicked the actor out of their $4.4 million house in New York because of his heroin problem.

Hoffman then moved in to an apartment in Greenwich Village where he was found dead at 11:30 am Sunday, surrounded by empty heroin envelopes.

Watch one of Philip Seymour Hoffman's final interviews here.

Philip seymour hoffman
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