March 17, 2025 00:39 AM

5 Unusual (and Lightweight) Things to Bring for your Next Trip

Packing is possibly the most important part of traveling, next to the trip itself. Apart from putting only the essentials for a carefree exploration, there are other, non-top-of-mind things travelers might want to consider bringing on their next trip.

Here are some of the more unusual lightweight things that could take your trip to the next level.

1. Universal power strip

It can be a pain to be almost out of battery time and finding out there's no available outlet anywhere. Bringing a universal power strip will not only provide anyone tons of convenience in the airport but also give them more plug space wherever they are.

2. Small roll of duct tape

Exploded luggage can be a big hassle to any traveler, especially if there's a lot of stuff inside it. A small roll of duct tape will only set you back $5 but can do wonders for quick and strong fixes. Apart from an exploded luggage, a torn up shoe or a ripped bag is nothing that can't be fixed with a trusty old duct tape.

3. Corkscrew

Wine can be expensive, especially in European cities. Instead of drinking in expensive restaurants and bars, travelers can save a lot of money and make room for a more flexible trip by having a corkscrew around. Buy wine instead in a store, lay a picnic mat on the grass and enjoy a bottle on your own with the perfect view of the Eiffel.

4. Baby Powder

The only frustrating thing about beach trips is getting sand between the feet. Instead of bringing them back to the hotel and in between sheets, putting a little baby powder on the feet will go a long way.

5. Clothespin

It's been a long night out from a pub crawl in Iceland and all anyone deserves is a good waking morning with the curtains sealed shut with no light seeping in. The trick is to bring a few clothespins to clip the curtains together so they're all closed for a well-deserved rest.

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