March 6, 2025 21:10 PM

Hollywood Goes to Russia in Search of the Next Big Star

Earlier this week, Russian actors and actresses got a chance to showcase their talent when experts from Hollywood flew in to conduct exclusive training programs.

In partnership with AstraFilm studio with Kultburo education center and supported by the Ministry of Culture, the idea came about when AstraFilm's managing partner Yulia Kim thought that more Russian actors should have better opportunities in the industry. Being able to work with famed acting American coach, Ivanna Chubbuck, who previously worked with Halle Berry & Brad Pitt is something that could give Russian performers a bigger boost.

Yulia Kim understood that Russian actors want to have a chance to play Hollywood roles, as it is almost always a different ethnicity that portrays them in movies. This is when she thought of having a training program that will embody what American and Russina filmmaking are all about as well as a few tips on how to make it to Hollywood.

Yulia asked help from Darren Boghosian who was a well-known acting agent. Darren believes that it is a lot easier to break into Hollyood nowadays thanks to technology. He tells Moscow Times, "The Internet and your ability to send your information and showreels across the Atlantic ocean just in a second, that changed everything."

Apart from the training, Darren also highlighted that speaking in English is a big plus among Russian actors who want to become famous in Hollywood. They need to be able to speak naturally.

The training program lasted for four days and involved practicing scripts on Russian characters, two acting coaches as well as a real casting for a couple of Hollywood movies among 50 actors.

Most of the training attendees were young actors who haven't gotten breaks in Russia. Famous Russian actor Yevgeny Stychkin also showed up for the program.

"I feel good being a student. Being a student is a greatest thing in the world, so we have to do anything to make it final forever," Stychkin shares.

Russia, Hollywood, Movies, Film, Actor, Actress
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