February 22, 2025 14:21 PM

Subway Pranksters Make Conductors Laugh (VIDEO)

Most people in New York City ride the subway without paying any attention to the subway conductors, too busy with getting from one place to another, but some pranksters found out that conductors are required to point at a sign in each station and decided to have some fun with it, according to ABC News.

Every New York City subway conductor is required to point at a black and white striped board, which is formally known as the conductor's indication board, after the train has come to a stop at each station. When the conductor points at each station, it is the sole indicator that it's safe to open the train doors to let passengers in and out of the subway cars.

"As I used the subway I started looking out for it, and they do it at every single station," Yosef Lerner, one of the creators of the YouTube video, said. "It's funny that we make them do this robotic thing."

Lerner, 25, and his friend Rose Sacktor, 24, both residents of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, decided to create funny signs for the conductors to point at, making the conductors laugh and improving their day.

"I thought it would be funny to hold up signs about something they'd have no choice but to point at," Lerner said.

The first sign they held up read "Point here if you are dead sexy." Other included "Point here if you are not wearing pants right now," and "Point here if NY is the greatest city in the world."

Watching the video, the pair made many conductors crack up at the unexpected signs.

"I saw it as an opportunity to snap them out of it," Lerner said. "We wanted to let them know we see you, we know you're working and we appreciate what you do."

The video has been a success, receiving over 150,000 views since being uploaded on October 30.

"Any way we can help people snap out of their day to day and create an interesting moment for people who would otherwise feel bored and isolated, that's what we're going to do," Lerner said. "Be on the lookout, because we're planning for that."

Video of the pranksters holding up signs for conductors.

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