February 22, 2025 04:19 AM

Photoshop Model: The Transformation to An Unrealistic Look In 37 Seconds (VIDEO)

It's no secret that Photoshop alters the appearance of models in magazines, but sometimes the extent of the alteration is still surprising, and a new video that shows the entire transformation of a woman from the way she actually loos to the final photo shopped version has gone viral, according to the Huffington Post.

The video, called "Body Evolution," was created by GlobalDemocracy.com in 2011 in an attempt to demand disclaimers on photo shopped models and actresses to draw attention to the fact that images in magazines and the media are unrealistic, and to show how different the final photograph is from the actual appearance of the model.

"We all now know that seeing thousands of 'perfect' body types in the mass media is having negative affects on young girls and more," the post from Global Democracy reads. "Airbrushing as a practice should be discouraged when it transforms otherwise permanent features on models.

"A 'mandatory disclaimer' is a very simple step in the right direction to addressing the harm that we're causing," the post continued.

The video is a sped-up, time-lapse look at the transformation process, from hair and make-up to the computerized transformation, which includes stretching the models legs and neck and making her a couple of sizes thinner. The Photoshop process also alters the models nose, eyes and lips. It ends with the editor lightening the models skin. The final product is hardly recognizable as the model.

This isn't a new issue for readers of magazines. Runway models are often under legal age and anorexic looking, and when women turn to the pages of magazines, they see equally unrealistic images of women who are impossibly thin with perfect skin that doesn't exist in reality.

The video was first posted on YouTube on Sunday by Raul Radulescu, and since then it has received almost a million views and been posted all over Facebook.

The transformation of a model in 37 seconds.

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