February 28, 2025 13:30 PM

Passenger Uses Promoted Tweet to Shame British Airways After Losing His Luggage

What's one way to deal with an unsatisfactory airline? By writing a series of slanderous, promoted Tweets on Twitter.

Passenger Hasan Syed was ticked off when British Airways apparently lost his luggage. He wanted to share his rage and wanted everyone to know about it. Instead of contacting the company's Customer Services team directly, he took his anger to another level. He bought a promoted tweet in order to get his complaint shared around the Twitter world, Yahoo reports.

Syed, with the Twitter handle @HVSVN, purchased a promoted tweet and let millions across the world know his anger. Promoted tweets are part of Twitter's self-served ad platform. Promoted tweets appear at the top of users' Twitter feeds. They're typically bought be large corporations of ad agencies.

However Syed decided to buy one of his own in the UK and New York markets on Monday night. He would not reveal how much he paid.

The message simply read, "Don't fly @BritishAirways. Their customer services is horrendous."

@BritishAirways @British_Airways is the worst airline ever. Lost my luggage & can't even track it down. Absolutely pathetic #britishairways," he further explained in another Tweet.

A user expressed her shock that the tweet was promoted, to which Syed said, "@rubigodi @BritishAirways @British_Airways Yes. I'm promoting my tweets to all BA followers since their Customer Service is horrendous."

His tweet eventually caught the attention of British Airways and they eventually responded and tried to do some damage control.

The @BritishAirways Twitter account responded on Tuesday morning saying, "Sorry for the delay in responding, our twitter feed is open 0900-1700 GMT. Please DM your baggage ref and we'll look into this."

Before the airline responded, Syed also left a threat, saying "I refuse to stop running Twitter Ads until @British_Airways finds the lost luggage."

Syed's tweet had caught the attention of 25,000 Twitter users within the first six hours that it was posted.

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