March 10, 2025 04:51 AM

Maui Shark Attack: Woman Bit in Torso By Large Shark Off Hawaiian Island

A second shark attack took place in Maui this week. With the second attack in four days, two beaches were forced to close on the Hawaiian Island.

A woman was enjoying an early morning swim about 30 feet from the shore of Ulua Beach Park when she was bitten by a shark, NBC reports.

Evvone Cashman, 56, was bitten in the upper torso by a large shark when she was swimming in murky waters. She was able to swim so shore after the attack.

A woman was bitten as she enjoyed an early morning swim about 30 feet from the shore of the rocky point at Ulua Beach Park on Maui at around 8:30 a.m.

"I must have had my hands up in front of my face. I think my head was above water, if I remember correctly. I don't know because it happened so fast. I didn't see him coming. I didn't see him leave. He just came and hit me hard and bit me hard and I just took off to the shore as fast as I could," Cashman told KHON-TV Channel 2.

"He only bit once, and he let go right away," she said.

Cashman was met by bystanders who tried to stop the blood with towel.s She had a 15-inch gash from the middle of her spine to her neck and had injuries to her chin and hands. She underwent surgery for her injuries. She said that the doctor estimated that the shark was very large.

"He thinks according to the bites and where they are and what they look like, it was probably about a 25-foot shark. That was his guess," Cashman said.

After this attack, officials closed he beaches from Polo Beach Park to the Mana Kai Maui Resort in the Kihei-Wailea area. They will determine when they are safe to open.

This was just the second attack to occur within four days in Hawaii. Kiowa Gatewood was surfing off Oahu's White Plains Beach on Sunday afternoon, when he was bitten by what he believes was a Tiger Shark.

"I was sitting on my board, when all of a sudden I saw this shark come out of the water and grab my leg," the 19-year-old told KHNL, Monday. "From there, I had this instinct to like, hit it with my left hand and then it let go and turned around and swam away."

Gatewood had to have surgery on his left knee and upper calf and is now undergoing rehab.

"Sharks can bite hard," he said, but he still has plans to surf again.

According to, nine shark attacks have occurred in Maui this year.

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