March 6, 2025 21:24 PM

Frommer's to Release New Line of Guidebooks at a Lower Price Point

After regaining ownership of the Frommer's travel guides, a story that was well-publicized on Monday, the company will once again take over publishing Frommer's travel guides, which are the leading series of guidebooks sold in the U.S., according to Frommer's. With the new ownership, the company will be releasing a new line of guidebooks at a lower price point.

The new guidebooks, known as "EasyGuides," will sell for $10.95 each.

The books will contain the unvarnished opinions and advice of an experienced writer, carefully chosen by Frommer's, who almost always lives in the city or country they are writing about, according to Frommer's.

The company describes the books as quick to read, light to carry, good for expert advice and in all price ranges. The books will also all be 256 pages long.

The company says that writers all over the world are finishing up their manuscripts. Frommer's has spoken to the writers at length and read the preliminary chapters.

"They will be frank and candid, intensely opinionated, cost-conscious - and low in cost!" Frommer's said.

The EasyGuides, which cover North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America and the South Pacific, will be thoroughly updated for 2014.

The books are written by long term travel journalists, among them Margie Rhynn in Paris, Jeanette Foster in Hawaii, Jack Jewers in Ireland, Pauline Frommer in New York, as well as other well-known names.

The 256-page books will weigh less than a laptop or tablet.

The publisher for the guidebooks, Publishers Group West, is currently calling bookstores nationwide to determine the number of "EasyGuides" each store will be interested in ordering. The books will arrive in stores as early as October.

Further details will be updated on

The guidebook company has returned to ownership by founder Arthur Frommer from Google, the most recent owner. Frommer had not owned the rights to his guidebooks in over 35 years.

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