February 28, 2025 22:20 PM

Who's Your Fantasy Flight Attendant? Marilyn Monroe & George Clooney Top List

Does the thought of a hot person in a flight attendant uniform make your fantasies fly? Good looks and some sex appeal used to be part of the requirements for airlines and for some, that still holds true. And some know just who they want to serve them on their next flight according to a new survey, ABC reports.

Some airline require flight attendants to have a certain appearance. For instance, according to ABC, Asian Airline, Nok Air released a very specific set of rules for their potential employees including the fact that they must be "females aged 25 and under; at least 5 feet, 3 inches tall; proportionate in their height and weight; and do not wear dental braces.

Of course not every airlines comes with requirements as strict as these, but that doesn't mean that passengers don't want to see a hottie on their flight. For fun, American Airlines surveyed 1,000 people in the U.K. to find out who passengers would want to be their flight attendant the most and they include a mix of actors, singers, and other public figures.

Two women who are no longer alive were chosen as the most desired flight attendants. Marilyn Monroe was the top choice with 22 percent of the total vote. Behind Marilyn was Audrey Hepburn with 20 percent of the vote.

However modern stars were also in the mix. Jennifer Aniston was another top choice with a little more than 18 percent of the vote. She just beat out the Royal mom-to be, Kate Middleton with 17.1 percent. Kate beat out the sexy Angelina Jolie, who recently announced her decision to get a double mastectomy, at 14.7 percent. Kate also beat her own sister, Pippa, who had 11 percent of the vote. Pippa was also tied with Beyonce.

Not all flight attendants are female though, so respondents also chose which male stars they want walking down their aisle. The top pick was George Clooney with 22.5 percent but Prince Harry was a close second at 21.4 percent. President Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio and Henry Cavill also made the list.

American Airlines conducted the survey as part of a promotion for their brand new B777-300ER aircraft which leaves from London to Hollywood.

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