March 6, 2025 22:17 PM

Disney World Gun on Ride: Woman Finds Weapon While Enjoying the Park With Her Grandson

A woman enjoying a day at Disney World with her grandson had a nasty surprise on Wednesday when she found a loaded gun on her seat when getting on a ride, according to the Associated Press.

The woman, who was not named, found the gun on the Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom, according to officials. She gave the loaded gun, a Cobra .380 to a park attendant who then contacted the manager and the authorities, according to FOX.

Angelo Lista, 44, the owner of the gun, told authorities that he discovered his gun was missing several minutes after leaving a ride. He does have a concealed weapons permit. Lista also told authorities that he wasn't aware of the policy that patrons aren't allowed to bring guns into the park. He said that he thought the security checkpoints were there so guards could check bags for bombs or explosive devices. The park doesn't use metal detectors.

Lista told authorities the gun "just slipped out." He was asked to leave the park.

Disney World has a policy that prohibits patrons from bringing weapons of any kind into any of its properties.

Florida has very liberal gun laws, permitting citizens to carry concealed weapons if they have a concealed-carry permit. The only prohibited places are schools, bars, courthouses, police departments, public transportation, ports, state parks and other government buildings.

Disney is allowed to prohibit guns through provisions in Florida's property laws.

Park officials declined to say how often they intercept guns from patrons.

This latest incident occurred just one day after a Disneyland employee was arrested in Anaheim, California, on suspicion of putting a dry-ice bomb in a theme park trash can, where it then exploded. While no one was injured in the blast, the park had to temporarily evacuate the section where the explosion occurred.

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