February 28, 2025 23:00 PM

911 Call Bigfoot: Pennsylvania Man Calls Cops to Investigate 'Bigfoot' Footprints

A man decided to call 911 because he claims to have proof of Bigfoot.

John Winesickle claims he was walking on a path in the woods of Altoona, a small city in the Allegheny mountains of Pennsylvania, when he came across evidence of Bigfoot. Winesickle was so sure of his evidence that he decided to call police and insist that someone went out to investigate, MSN reports.

Winesickle shared his evidence with the police which includes a series of photographs of enormous footprints deep in the mud. The footprint, which are large and deep, seem to show that whatever made them was something that was large in size and weight. Winesickle took a police officer into the woods to show him the mysterious tracks himself.

After investigating the footprints, the officer wrote in a report that the prints were nothing more than bear tracks. However Winesickle disagrees and is sticking by his theory.

"No, no, no, no," he told an interviewer from central Pennsylvania's WTAJ television. "A bear can't go down a steep bank on all twos. This is bigfoot."

Winesickle says the prints aren't the only sign of bigfoot. He claims that he walks in the area often and he has heard bigfoot growling before as a warning that he was coming too close to the hiding creature. While Winesickle claims to have heard the monster and has photos of its alleged footprints, he had never seen bigfoot itself. However he believes that the evidence that he has is good enough to prove that bigfoot exists.

This isn't the first time someone has claimed to have evidence of bigfoot. Supposed sightings occur more often in the Pacific Northwest but there have been a few claims of sightings in Pennsylvania. Neighboring state, Ohio, is the state with the fourth most sightings. In 2007, a deer hunter took blurry photos of what he said was bigfoot in Allegheny National Forest. Park rangers believe it was just a bear.

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