February 28, 2025 23:32 PM

Pressure Cooker Forces Evacuation of Michigan Hotel Where Muslim Conference Was Being Held

A pressure cooker was found in the restroom of a hotel where a Muslim organization was holding a banquet, causing the building to be evacuated.

Police are trying to determine why a pressure cooker was left in the bathroom of the Adoba Hotel in Dearborn, Michigan. The guests were evacuated during the early morning hours because of the find.

The incident led to the cancellation of a banquet of the University of Muslim Association of America on Sunday night.

Asgar Zaidi told CBS that he has attended the conference every year over the past 11 years. He said that this was the first time the banquet was held in Dearborn.

"We all look forward to this time of year, Memorial Day weekend ... we have fun, we learn and it's just disheartening to see this type of stuff happen here," said Zaidi.

Police detonated the pressure cooker as a precaution. They said that it didn't contain any explosives. They determined that the cooking tool was not converted into a bomb. This incident comes after two men used pressure cookers to set off bombs at the Boston Marathon. Three were killed and dozens were injured in that incident.

Those who attended are trying to figure out why someone would threaten the banquet.

"I don't want to jump to any conclusions ... pointing fingers at anybody, but I hate extremists just as much as everyone else hates extremists. It doesn't matter what faith you are ... " Kasin Hasn told CBS.

Hasn said that there wasn't much activity going on. He explained that they were told to evacuate the building. He is wondering if this incident was a real threat.

The group, the University of Muslim Association of America is designed to encourage civic awareness and engagement in the Muslim American community.

Police are continuing to investigate the incident. They have no suspect or motive yet.

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