March 1, 2025 01:58 AM

Giant Rubber Duck Visits Hong Kong

A Giant rubber duck has found a home in Hong Kong.

Large crowds watched as the giant six-story inflatable duck was pulled across Victoria Harbor in front of Hong Kong's signature skyscraper skyline by tugboats. The crowds started gathering at 6 a.m. and many bought replica toy versions of the ginormous duck.

The rare sight is making a big splash with tourists and residents. Children especially got a kick of the the giant bath toy.

"This is huge. My daughter liked it when she saw it just now. Because kids like cute stuff," Tourist Zhang Wenjin from Shanghai told the Associated Press.

"The duckie is swimming," 2 ½-year-old Yu Kwan Yee of Hong Kong said

The giant duck was created by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. The structure was made from PVC materials in New Zealand by a company that typically makes large sails. The structure is 54-feet tall, making it stand out even more against other boats on the river.

Hofman said he created the duck to connect people with art.

"It's about connecting people, don't take life for granted, your urban space for granted. You walk every day the same route to work, but look and stop going too fast," Mr Hofman said. according to the Telegraph.

Hofman was present when the duck arrived in Hong Kong, but it had to be deflated after making its debut due to high winds and waves which were causing problems.

However residents and tourists will have plenty of time to get a glimpse of the fun sight as it will be anchored at Hong Kong terminal until June.
Hong Kong isn't the first city to get a visit from the duck. Th duck is well-traveled as it have been to 13 cities in nine countries since 2007 including Osaka, Japan, Sydney, Sao Paulo, Auckland, New Zealand, and Amsterdam.

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