March 6, 2025 22:07 PM

Tiger in Bathroom: Kansas Woman Gets a Shock From Escaped Circus Animal

Just like a scene out of "The Hangover," a woman recently found a tiger in the bathroom. A literal tiger that escaped from the circus and found itself in a bathroom waiting to be discovered by an unsuspecting Kansas woman.

According to the Associated Press, Salina resident Jenna Krehbiel had to use the bathroom while she was at the Isis Shrine Circus for the first time on Saturday. What she didn't know was that a big cat had escaped after its act in the ring and that staff members were searching for it. They blocked off the concourses at the Bicentennial Centennial Center while the tiger snuck into the bathroom, where one of the doors was blocked.

Krehbiel, a social worker, walked in to a door that wasn't blocked off and she spotted the circus tiget standing two feet away from her, according to The Salina Journal.

"You don't expect to go in a bathroom door, have it shut behind you and see a tiger walking toward you," Krehbiel said.

The entire bathroom is only 25 feet long, Chris Bird, manager at the Bicentennial Center said.

"Once she saw the tiger, I'm sure she knew to go the other way," Bird said. "Overall, it was a scary, surreal moment. I am glad no one was hurt or injured."

The animal was captured within a few minutes and returned back to its cage.

Krehbiel said she didn't panic and scream or run when she spotted the animal. She tried to stay calm despite the ordeal.

"Looking back, it was a scary ordeal," she said. "At the time, I was thinking I just needed to get out."

While Krehbiel found the incident to eb frightening, her 3-year-old daughter found humor in the situation.

"My daughter wanted to know if it had washed its hands," Krehbiel said. "That was her only concern. I think that shows the thoughts of children and that they wouldn't have known there was danger."

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