February 28, 2025 23:30 PM

Man Attacked By Shark in Australia: Grey Nurse Bites Man's Legs In Shallow Water [VIDEO]

A man was attacked by a shark in Australia when he was trying to do a good deed by freeing another shark from a net while standing in shallow water.

Alan Saunders was bitten in the legs by a shark, which is believed to be a Grey Nurse shark, as a beach near the New South Wales in Australia when he was setting another shark free, Metro UK reports.

The 51-year-old fisherman suffered from deep puncture wounds to his legs but they are not believed to be life threatening injuries.

Saunders' brother, Ray Saunders said the shark started gnawing on his brother's legs when he was trying to save another shark that had gotten tangled up in a net.

"Alan was involved in removing one of the sharks out of the wings of the net," Saunders told Metro UK. "He released that shark but another shark came in and bit him on both legs."

Emergency crews helped Saunders at the scene of the incident. They treated him until he was transferred to the John Hunter infirmary in the city of Newcastle by rescue helicopter.

Mr Saunders was transferred to the John Hunter infirmary in the city of Newcastle by rescue helicopter after emergency crews had attended to him at the scene.

This incident wasn't the only shark attack recently. In February, Adam Strange, a 46-year-old award-winning film and TV director, was swimming when he was attacked and pulled under the water near Muriwai Beach in New Zealand in front of hundreds of tourists. Police tried to shoot at the sharks and Strange's body was eventually rescued but it was too late.

In January, a man was caught on video, picking up a shark by its tail and throwing it away from young children on a tourist beach in Australia. The man wasn't hurt in the incident but he was later fired from his job over the video because he wasn't supposed to be on vacation at the time.

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