February 23, 2025 15:43 PM

Coulter Murder Post: Pundit Suggests Shooting Meghan McCain During Fox Appearance (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter is not known for being mild-mannered and calm and her appearance on Sean Hannity's show on Fox News was no exception, complete with murder proposals. Coulter jokingly called for the murder of Meghan McCain on a post on Fox Nation, causing the site to pull the post.

"MSNBC's Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats' gun proposals. (Let's start with Meghan McCain!)" Coulter wrote.

Bashir didn't actually call for anyone to be killed. However, that was quickly overlooked as Coulter took her personal stance against McCain, who has criticized Coulter in the past.

McCain responded on her Twitter account on Thursday.

"Apparently Ann Coulter made a joke about me being killed in a recent column," she wrote. "I should expect nothing less but disgusted regardless."

"My father is a very famous politician," she said. "My family gets a lot of threats."

"Joking about me being killed really isn't funny or appropriate."

McCain's mother, Cindy, also got involved.

"Ann Coulter, have one of your family members threatened," she said. "See how you feel!"

"A little perspective this morning," McCain added Thursday. "People like Ann Coulter are part of the past and only live to spread hate and negativity.

"I literally couldn't imagine living a life that seems so void of love, compassion and perspective," she added. "Basically, I get to wake up every day wanting to make this world a better place and people like her want to make it a worse place."

McCain addressed the issue again on Friday morning, writing more about the incident after seeing Coulter defend her joke on Thursday.

"It's just beyond comprehension," she wrote. "Glad my hypothetical murder 'made everyone laugh.'"

During the appearance on Hannity's show, Coulter expressed her views on gun rights, criminal records, abortion, tax subsidies, single mothers, New York real estate, bodyguards, mental illness, the ACLU, New York City subway deaths and the New York Times.

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