March 6, 2025 21:44 PM

Glee School Shooting: Fans Say 'Shooting Star' Episode Too Soon After Newtown

Thursday night's episode of the Fox hit "Glee" may be too much for some viewers. The episode features a school shooting, which many feel is too difficult to watch in the aftermath of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

The episode features a scene that many reviewers called "harrowing," in which gunshots ring out, footsteps and screaming are heard and crying students desperately run for cover.

Some characters hide in the dark, locked chorus room while one cries in a bathroom stall.

The episode intended to portray a lesson as before, during and after the events of the shooting, the characters discuss how important it is to communicate with your loved ones while you still have the opportunity.

"The members of New Directions are prepping for Regionals, but when an unthinkable event occurs at McKinley High, perspectives are put into order," reads the promotional material for the episode.

"Start texting, tweeting, let everyone know what's going on," said Glee club teacher Will Schuester (Matt Morrison) after they hear gunshots. "But don't tell them we're here. Shooters have smart phones too."

For some audience viewers, the events of the episode hit too close to home.

The Newtown Action Alliance found out about the episode Thursday and a member of the group posted a warning on Facebook.

"I would suggest if you do watch this TV show to either not watch it tonight or watch with caution," the official Alliance group wrote in a post.

Andrew Paley, the father of twin sons who were at Sandy Hook when the shooting took place and survived, posted his own comment on Facebook.

"Those of us with kids that survived the shooting do not need to watch this episode," he wrote.

"It's too soon as our kids and our wounds are still too new," he posted. "I understand keeping it in the minds of the nation, but dammit, at least let the people of Newtown know beforehand.

"I found out because an old friend who blogs about the show have (sic) me a heads up."

Anthony Lusardi, the boyfriend of substitute teacher Lauren Rousseau, who was killed in the Newtown shooting, had a different view.

"As long as it keeps the subject in the public's mind I'm all for it," he wrote on his Facebook page. "My Lauren was a huge fan of the show. So I'm sure she would have approved."

During the episode, there is a debate between the principal and a teacher about gun control.

"The safety net of the public mental health system is gone," Coach Sue Sylvester said. "Parents with troubled kids are too busy working three jobs to look after them, and the gun yahoos have everyone so worked up about Obama taking away their guns that every house has a readily available arsenal."

Series creator Ryan Murphy also went to Twitter to address the episode.

"Just saw the rough cut of next week's "Shooting Star," he posted. "It is the most powerful emotional Glee ever. So proud of the cast & crew."

The episode has been in production for approximately six months, since before the Newtown shooting, according to a Fox source that spoke to Daily News.

The network declined to comment.

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