February 23, 2025 17:00 PM

George W. Bush Raises $500 Million for Presidential Library

Former President George W. Bush is known for rolling in the dough, this time, he's raised it on behalf of his presidential library.

Bush managed to raise $500 million for the George W. Bush Presidential Center, which will be dedicated on April 25 and open publicly on May 1.

President of the George W. Bush Center Mark Langdale confirmed to Time Magazine that their projected goal had been reached.

"It was our goal to raise $500 million by the time the George W. Bush Presidential Center was dedicated," he said.

The Bush library has not yet mentioned whether or not they will give the identities of the donors who contributed to the pot, reports Yahoo News.

Additionally, presidential libraries don't necessarily have to make public the names of their financial supporters. Some previous presidents have, however, in efforts to eschew raised eyebrows about their money sources.

At father President George H.W. Bush's library in College Station, Texas, some of the donors listed there are rumored to have helped the younger Bush's endeavors, but this hasn't been confirmed yet.

The Center reportedly cost $250 million to build.

"Half of the money was spent to build the Bush Center itself, a portion of the funds go to a mandatory endowment to the Federal Government, which will be paid when we gift the George W. Bush Presidential Museum and Library to the American people on April 25, and another portion of the funds will go to Southern Methodist University for an endowment that is intended to strengthen our relationship with their programs," Langdale continued, giving a breakdown of the allocation of funds.

This massive amount of money the President and his various associates raised makes Bush the ex-president with the most amount of cash for his library.

Compare his number to former President Bill Clinton, who made $165 million in the name of his library.

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