March 1, 2025 03:41 AM

Air France Removes Woman From Flight Because She Wasn't Jewish

An airline has been fined after they removed a woman from the flight for not being Jewish.

Air France was hit with a 13,000 Euro fine for "racial discrimination" after they removed a pro-Palestine activist who was traveling to Israel for a rally. The airline was ordered to pay a fine, damages and interest on Thursday by a French court.

According to UPI, the airline had to pay 10,000 Euros in fines and another 3,000 Euros to the woman, Horia Ankour. The 30-year-old nursing student was trying to fly from France to Israel last April for a "Welcome to Palestine" campaign.

Hundreds of activists were trying to fly to the country that day and 300 flights in Europe were cancelled due to heavy pressure from Israel.

While on the flight, Ankour was asked if she had an Israeli passport and if she was Jewish. She answered "no" to both questions and she was forced to get off of the plane in Nice.

The court found Air Franch guilty of racial discrimination for the incident. Air France lawyer Fabrice Pradon said the airline is going to appeal the ruling as they said Israel said Ankour wouldn't be allowed in to the country since she was blacklisted by the government.

This isn't the first time Air France was accused of racial discrimination. In 2009, another incident occurred when a plane from the US to Mumbai was diverted to Paris due to a technical problem. The passengers had to stay in Paris for 28 hours, ABC reports. About 50 Indian passengers claim that the airline forced them to stay in a lounge at the airport and they were barely given any food or water but other travelers were given accommodations in nearby hotels.

After that incident, Air France said that they took care of the passengers and they regretted "any and all inconvenience caused to the passengers due to this incident."

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