February 23, 2025 09:54 AM

Lance Armstrong Urged By Change Cycling Now Lobbyists To Make Full Confession To U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (VIDEO)

Things just seem to going from bad to worse for the now disgraced Lance Armstrong, who admitted to Oprah Winfrey that he took Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) on the way to winning seven-Tour-de-France titles.

His confession doesn't appear to be satisfactory enough for Jaimie Fuller, the founder of the lobby group Change Cycling Now, has urged him to make a full confession of all his involvement in doping to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

Fuller, who formed the group which includes former Tour de France champion Greg Lemond, told Reuters on Wednesday he had talked to Armstrong for an hour on the telephone last month.

Due to his Oprah interview last year, the USADA stripped him of his seven Tour de France titles.

Fuller, who is also the chief executive officer of the compression clothing company SKINS, earlier told the Tackling Doping in Sport 2013 conference that he had wanted to believe Armstrong was clean. Last year SKINS sent a legal demand to the International Cycling Union seeking damages of $2 million for what it claimed was mis-management in the Armstrong case, according to csmonitor.com.

"The thing that upset me most about Lance was not the doping. We now know how prevalent the doping was, how entrenched it has been in the culture of cycling," Fuller told the conference convened by the World Sports Law Report, according to csmonitor.com.

He added, "What upset me most all the other things that surrounded him, the way he abused people, the way that he just climbed all over people, the win at all costs," reported csmonitor.com.

Though Armstrong has fallen from grace, he still has the chance to profit off of his story.

TMZ reported that Armstrong has been rumored to be in talks with movie studio executives over a possible biopic about Armstrong's storied life. In fact, the gossip-crazy website and television show hinted that there could two different movies about Armstrong in some form of pre-production and that "Hangover" star, Bradley Cooper, could be playing the role of "the world's most infamous cyclist."

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