February 23, 2025 00:58 AM

Miami Curfew: New Curfew Laws for Under17 Year-Olds [VIDEO]

Police announced that they are going to start enforcing a curfew for children who are under the age of 17 in the city of Miami.

NBC Miami reported that the hours under the new curfew will be 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. and enforced Sunday to Thursday. On Friday and Saturday curfew hours will be midnight to 6 a.m.

Under the new curfew teenagers under 17 are not allowed to "linger, stay, congregate, move about, wander, or stroll in any public place in Miami-Dade County, either on foot or in a vehicle during curfew hours," said police to NBC Miami.

Curfew hours are 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday to Thursday and midnight to 6 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Exemptions of the curfew include if a parent or legal guardian or someone who is over 21that has permission from a legal guardian is with them. Also if the person under 17 has written permission to run an errand from a parent or guardian or is traveling to and from work, they are also except from the new curfew rule.

"Also, if a child is helping in an emergency, traveling to or from a school, religious, civic or county-sponsored event, is emancipated by marriage or court order, is homeless, is exercising First Amendment rights, or is on the property of their residence or a neighbor's residence who does not object. And if also the child is attending or coming back from a public event that began before 10 p.m. and has written permission, and if the child is authorized by the county commission," are other exceptions reported NBC Miami.

The Daily Mail reported that in the recent past at least eight people were shot in Miami which included three teenagers. Two of them died.

'I've had young people come in and tell me I've had two or three friends killed, I'm not going to live until 21,' Sgt Eunice Cooper of Miami's homicide unit said to t CBS4. "And that's just how they feel. That's just how it is. It's almost as if they are immune to the violence."

In 2012 alone there were more than 500 people that were shot in Miami Dade County.

View more videos at: https://nbcmiami.com.

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