February 23, 2025 09:08 AM

Marijuana Cannon: Mexican Police Find Cannon Used To Launch Drugs Over U.S. Border [VIDEO]

Mexican police in the border city of Mexicali saying they have recovered a powerful improvised cannon used to hurl packets of marijuana across a border fence into California, according to The Guardian.

For many famous and admitted marijuana users like Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog, this news could be something good, but for the United States of America, a government that has been fighting this battle for years and spending billions per year to maintain, it is anything but.

According to Latin American Herald Tribune, The cannon could throw two-kg (4.4-pound) cans of cannabis over 400 meters (1,310 feet). Since the vehicle it was in has been left abandoned in a neighborhood of Mexicali, and the driver is nowhere to be found, police made no arrests as of yet.

Police told the Televisa network that the device was made up of a plastic pipe and a crude metal tank that used compressed air from the engine of an old car.

This isn't the first time U.S. authorities have seen this type of air delivery system. According to UPI, in December of last year, authorities in Yuma, Arizona discovered dozens of canisters of marijuana weighing about two pounds each. They had been launched up to 500 feet by a similar pneumatic cannon rig.

"Upon hearing this news [of the marijuana cannon] Snoop Dog and our friend Willie grabbed their nets and headed for California," said Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show."

For a country who has certain states already legalizing marijuana, in small quantities (Colorado and Washington St.), this could be a way for the U.S. to get out, save face, save money to put towards the deficit and stop the ridicule.

Speaking on "Piers Morgan Tonight" Nelson, who revealed he often makes trips to Amsterdam (a city with legalized marijuana use) said, referencing recent legislation that has legalized marijuana in certain parts of the U.S.,"now, we can go to Colorado."

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