One thing the Faroe Islands guarantee-besides unexpected sunshine-is a road trip that feels lifted straight from a storybook. Think of cruising through landscapes where each curve brings you face-to-face with breathtaking views, minus the dragons!

In the Faroe Islands, your drive itself is the adventure. Here, cheerful yellow flower signs lead you away from the usual paths, calling you to explore the archipelago's thrilling trails. 

These drives offer a fresh perspective on travel, connecting you with soul-stirring and sensory-rich experiences.

These are the Wildly Terrific Road Trips of the Faroe Islands

(Photo : Philipp Waldhauer on Unsplash)

The Buttercup Routes

The Faroe Islands offer a unique travel experience through the Buttercup Routes. These are not your average roads. They guide you to the most serene and less explored parts of the islands. 

You will find yourself driving through landscapes where mountains and ocean views come alive outside your window. The signs featuring the bright yellow marsh marigold, the national flower, are your clues to adventure. 


One of the most enchanting routes in the Faroe Islands is Gásadalsleið. As shared by BBC, this path takes you through a mountain tunnel to the mesmerizing Múlafossur waterfall. The waterfall, dropping directly into the ocean, creates a scene right out of a fantasy book. 

There are hardly any crowds here, giving you a sense of solitude that is hard to find elsewhere. This route is a perfect snapshot of what makes the Faroe Islands so wildly terrific.

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The Common Wanderer highly recommends day two's destination: Mykines. This island, a short ferry ride from Gásadalur, is a haven for bird watchers, especially those eager to see puffins. 

Mykines is the westernmost point of the Faroe Islands and a breeding ground for numerous migratory seabirds. The hike to the lighthouse offers spectacular views and up-close encounters with the island's famous puffin colonies. Always stick to the path to protect the natural habitat of these adorable birds.

These are the Wildly Terrific Road Trips of the Faroe Islands

(Photo : Lachlan Gowen on Unsplash)


Driving back to the Faroe Islands' capital, Tórshavn, presents a shift from rural peacefulness to lively culture. Tórshavn might be small, but it packs a lot of character with its colorful houses and historical sites. 

Explore the world's oldest parliamentary meeting place at Tinganes, enjoy a meal at a local restaurant like Sirkus or Etika, and consider a cozy stay in a local Airbnb to truly soak in the Faroese lifestyle.


If you love a good adventure, the northern island of Kalsoy is your go-to spot. Start with a kayak tour from Tórshavn, gliding along the coast with stunning views of the shoreline. 

Later, drive to Kalsoy for a challenging hike to the Kallurin lighthouse, a journey that rewards you with incredible panoramic views of steep cliffs and the vast North Atlantic. This rugged island offers one of the most memorable experiences in the Faroe Islands.

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