As much as retirees love their bingo nights, King City, Oregon, offers a lot more spice to the golden years than just game cards and markers. Nestled just 12 miles southwest of Portland, this cozy town has quickly become a hotspot for senior Americans looking for the perfect mix of relaxation and adventure in their retirement.

Why are so many people choosing King City? For starters, the town prides itself on sustainable living and easy access to top-notch healthcare-both big wins if you're planning to enjoy those retirement years to the fullest. With 81% of homes boasting retiree-friendly amenities and a median list price of $375,000, it is clear your bucks get a lot of bang here.

Here are some other reasons why senior Americans choose King City, Oregon a place to retire. 

Why Senior Americans Find This Oregon Town Perfect for Retirement

(Photo : ryan harvey on Wikimedia Commons)

Oregon's Hidden Gem for Retirement

Nestled just a short drive from Portland, King City, Oregon, has quietly climbed the ranks as a premier retirement destination. 

This year, it snagged the third spot on's list of top retirement spots nationwide, leaping from sixth place last year. This jump is largely thanks to its commitment to sustainable living and the exceptional healthcare accessible here. 

According to Travel and Leisure, with a median list price of just $375,000 for homes decked out with retiree-friendly amenities, it's clear why seniors are flocking here. And let us not forget, this Oregon town boasts a zero percent sales tax rate, making every dollar stretch further.

Living the Active Life in Oregon

You think retirement is all about quiet evenings and slow mornings? Think again! King City offers a plethora of activities that keep the body healthy and the mind sharp. 

As shared by, you can hit a few rounds at the King City Golf Course or take a leisurely stroll through the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. 

This part of Oregon is perfect for those who want to keep moving and grooving through their golden years. Plus, being so close to Portland means you're never too far from a new adventure.

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Healthcare at Your Fingertips

One of the biggest draws to King City is the easy access to some of Oregon's best healthcare facilities. Living just 21 minutes outside Portland, residents have quick routes to top-tier medical centers, ensuring peace of mind for many who prioritize health in their later years. 

This ease of access, combined with a focus on sustainable living, not only enhances quality of life but also supports longevity. So, in King City, you're always just a hop, skip, and a jump away from excellent care.

A Community That Cares

King City is not your typical sleepy town; it buzzes with a strong sense of community. From bustling farmers markets to festive parades, there's a strong communal spirit that energizes the air. 

Year-round events keep the calendar full and the interactions plentiful. Whether it's a neighborhood barbecue or a holiday celebration, you'll find that this Oregon town feels just like family.

Affordability Without Compromise

Who says you can't have it all? In King City, Oregon, retirees enjoy a cost of living that's hard to beat. Thanks to no sales tax, your retirement savings have the power to go the extra mile here. 

This financial perk, coupled with the town's array of retiree-friendly amenities, makes it an attractive option for those looking to make the most out of their retirement dollars. Here, you live large without spending big, and isn't that the dream?

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