March 6, 2025 22:17 PM

Robin The Boy Wonder Killed: Batman's Son Damien Wayne Dies On Wednesday In Issue No. 8 Of 'Batman Incorporated'

The Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin are going to be no more come issue No.8 of "Batman Incorporated," due out Wednesday.

Batman's current sidekick, 10-year-old son Damian Wayne, has his last adventure and the issue ends in his death, DC Comics confirmed Monday, according to

The New York Post states:

The latest young person to put on the Robin colors -- "eats it" (as it says on the Post's URL for the story). He dies "battling a brutal enemy," according the article, with writer Grant Morrison adding, "He saves the world. He does his job as Robin. He dies an absolute hero."

Over the years Batman has had a number of Robins. Some of those decided to quit, while others, as the New York Post reports, such as 1980s Robin Jason Todd, get their fate decided by a call-in number. Others, such as "Girl Wonder" Stephanie Brown, "sort of die" (as well as "sort of" be recognized as Robin, and then "sort of" come back to life).

The question becomes, why do these Robins, most of them teenagers, always seem to be the ones to make or be the ultimate sacrifice?

In the book "Teen Angels & New Mutants: Rick Veitch's Bratpack and the Art, Karma, and Commerce of Killing Sidekicks," author Stephen R. Bissette, speaking to New York Post, sees the phenomena as a cross between some sort of primal sacrificial ritual and a periodic sales-bump:

"In case you didn't already know it, killing sidekicks has become big business, and not just in comic books. It's nothing new, really. As a society, we've always savored the spectacle of youth snuffed out, be it horribly abrupt or a chilling slow fade...a sacrificial rite-of-passage we inexplicably crave as a culture."

Will Batman have a new Robin? Is Robin really dead? Will he come back in future releases?

For the answers to the questions--we will just have to keep reading?

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