March 3, 2025 20:02 PM

Traveling Again? Here' How to Take Care of Your Jewelry While Hitting the Road.

Traveling Again? Here’ How to Take Care of Your Jewelry While Hitting the Road.
Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay

Jewelry has evolved into an integral part of fashion. If you wish to keep your bling game strong, even while traveling, then you have come to the right place. Today we are going to discuss ways to care for your jewelry while satiating your wanderlust:

● Cleaning the pieces now and then will keep them looking new. Travelling exposes your precious pieces to various elements and weather. Even something as seemingly benign as the oils on your skin can have a big impact on gemstones, including pearls and opals. Every day when you return to your hotel, you can clean your jewelry using soap and warm water. Scrubbing the jewelry gently under running water helps to remove grime and dirt. You should wipe it dry using a soft cloth. This same technique can also be used to clean gemstone jewelry provided they aren't too fragile:

o Silver-plated jewelry serves as the best choice for daily wear while traveling. Applying clear nail polish on them can help retain their luster.

o Costume jewelry made from plastic does not require much caring. However, you should store it away from direct sunlight and humidity. Keeping them in regular plastic bags can get the job done for you if you can't find cotton ones.

o Pearl jewelry is favored by ladies around the globe for its stunning sheen, neutral color, and versatile shape. You need to levy some extra care for keeping them from getting scratched. Wiping them with a soft dry cloth after every usage can preserve the sheen of the precious pearls. If your pearls are looking a bit dull, then you can rub them gently with a toothbrush or your fingers using a mixture of water and mild soap. Once you are done with the rinsing, you will have to run it under cold water and dry it using a soft towel.

● Checking for the links and clasps of your jewelry is extremely crucial while trying them on. Ideally, they need to be adequately gentle so that it doesn't damage your dress. At the same time, it should also be sturdy enough to last the test of time. It can be a complete nightmare to lose your favorite piece of jewel. But you can ensure its safety by checking on the clasps before going out. Loose pieces must be tightened either by yourself or taken to a jeweler for repair.

● You can get some affordable jewelry organizers to keep your chains tangle-free while traveling. Roll organizers are very popular amongst travelers as they fit snugly into your luggage. You can even unroll and hang it up in your hotel room on reaching the destination so that your jewelry is on full display. As a result, it becomes easy to choose the ones you shall be wearing daily by simply taking a look. Alternatively, you can make one yourself with everyday household items to keep the jewelry separated. A pillbox is perfect for storing individual items like rings, earrings, bracelets, and smaller necklaces. Straws can be used for packing chain necklaces by placing half into the straw and hooking the clasp. Since pearl jewelry is extremely prone to abrasion, you can carry them in a pearl folder.

Final Words

You need to be especially cautious about the safety of your jewelry while traveling. Taking your precious items in carry-on luggage is crucial while flying. Alternatively, you can wear them on the flight provided it doesn't cause discomfort during the long journey. Important jewelry should never be given to check-in luggage as they stand at higher risk of being lost in transit. You also need to be cautious about not leaving your bags or suitcase unattended at the airport terminal. After reaching the hotel, it is better to carry your jewelry yourself rather than relying on the staff.

Often the hotels provide accommodation for safekeeping of the jewelry while you are not wearing them. It can be a great idea to hide your jewelry in your luggage. Premium hotels offer a safe for being kept in your room with your jewelry and other important items. Contacting your hotel in advance can keep you worry-free about the storage of all expensive items. Though the hotels charge a steep fee for offering high-security services, it is worth the investment for keeping your precious items safe.

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