March 1, 2025 07:49 AM

Air India Pilot's Rap Video, Criticizing the Airline, Causes Some Heat [VIDEO]

A pilot who chose to create a rap in which he criticized his job with Air India is facing some heat. The pilot released a five-minute video which has gone viral and Air India isn't too happy about it.

In the video, the pilot talks about how the airline hasn't paid salaries on time and how he's been grounded since every Boeing Dreamliner plane was grounded. The pilot repeatedly curses, criticizes older flight attendants and raps about other complaints.

Some lines include:

"It's been more than five months since I haven't got paid [sic]", and "how do I fly with women in their sixties. They call them air hostesses, we call them aunties."

"I am in India but not in the air, is there anyone here who's got some extra money to spare" and "The news is everywhere that airline is in a mess, I hate to listen to that news, I hate the -------- press."

At the beginning of the video is a disclaimer in which the pilot says the rap isn't intended to hurt anyone.

"Dear friends and fellow pilots, the following content is not meant to harm anyone's feelings for the company. I love Air India and am very thankful to ICPA for making every effort to get us out the mess we are in [sic]. This is for all you guys...enjoy the music video."

While he said it wasn't supposed to cause harm, his Air India employers aren't too happy.

The airline is investigating the matter and a spokesman told the Times of India, "Discipline has to be maintained by all employees. People are free to leave the company and then do what they want. Will any private company tolerate such behaviour from any employee? We will examine his track record before taking a final view on his immature act."

While the employers might not enjoy the video, the pilot received a lot of support from YouTube users. The video has been viewed more than 85,000 times and has more than 1,200 "Likes."

Even an older flight attendant, which the pilto refers to as "aunties" supported the video.

"I am an auntie. I enjoyed this thoroughly. Air India should give this guy a medal and every other airline should offer him a job!" Carole Andrad commented.

Air India has been a struggling airline in recent years as it lost out to competitors. Last year, pilots held a two-month strike and the airline has had to use several bailout packages.

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