March 26, 2025 10:14 AM

What is Timeshare and Best Travel Timeshare Companies

What is Timeshare and Best Travel Timeshare Companies

At any point in your life, you must have attended a short timeshare meeting or a presentation, whether in real life or online. They make sure that you attend this presentation and offer you free weekend trips or something similar. However, once you start listening to this presentation, you start to realize that this is a trap.

Usually, a pitch goes like: why are you paying alone for a place you only go to once in a year? Why not share its expense with others? Before you realize, you are already trapped by them.

But first, who are they? It is referred to timeshare industry and timeshare companies. A recent study shows that the timeshare industry is worth 9.6 billion dollars.

What is timeshare?

A timeshare is an arrangement where different people from different backgrounds can share the property cost of a vacation property. While sharing the costs, it also guarantees that these people will get their share of time to spend in this vacation property. However, some of the timeshare companies do not tell these people about the increasing maintenance cost, which can be unbearable for some. Therefore, it quite essential to have knowledge about timeshare cancellation, in case you did fall for this trap, and know about the best timeshare companies that won't play games with you.

5 best travel timeshare companies

1. Marriot Vacation club

Marriot vacation club is one of the well-known and trusted timeshare companies in this industry. The system of this company allows owners to have a vacation anywhere, anytime they want, and also lets it pass it down to the coming generations. One good thing about this company is that it lets you save one-year worth of points and allows you to use it for the next year, if you are planning for a special trip.

2. Hyatt Residence club

There are over 16 traditional resorts available, if you choose this company. Each of them is located in different places such as Aspen, Sedona and Arizona. Hyatt residence club is best for traditional vacation trips as each vacation has a traditional vibe to it, and each resort designed in a such a way to give a traditional and residential look. This company also provides you annual points, which can be used to book vacations resorts, anywhere in the world.

3. Ritz-Carlton destination club

In order to join this club, you need to purchase a deeded interest first, which can be passed down through generations. After purchasing it, Ritz-Carlton destination club will allocate you vacation points, which can be used to book one of the 5 locations this company offers. These resorts are fully furnished as well as one of the most expensive resorts. However, they are only located in California and Colorado.

4. Wyndham destinations

Wyndham destinations is one of the largest timeshare companies and own over 220 resorts, while also giving access to over 4,300 resorts throughout the globe. There are many ways to become a Wyndham destination owner, traditional way being, purchasing a deeded interest. Another way is to go for the points-based ownership option. In this option, you can either save your points for an exclusive trip which can be done only once in your life or spend them on smaller trips.

5. Disney vacation club

Disney vacation club is one of the best timeshare companies for families. Once you have purchased the deeded interest, you can choose from over 16 resorts, most of them being in Disney world resorts in California. Members of this company also get special discounts on certain things.

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