January 26, 2025 23:29 PM

Want to Be a Mom with Glowing Skin? Try These Tips

Want to Be a Mom with Glowing Skin? Try These Tips
Want to Be a Mom with Glowing Skin? Try These Tips

Ask anyone what the two things that take the most out of your skin are and they're going to tell you two of your favorite things: (A) Being a mom, and (B) Traveling. Both of those activities, while being amazing and fulfilling, bring stress, sleep deprivation, and (sometimes) bad diet choices. And flying when you travel? Flying dehydrates your skin, cranks up oil production, and even inflames acne. It has to do with all that recycled air and low humidity inside the plane.

So what is a traveling mom to do? Three words: skincare, skincare, skincare. If you want to keep your skin aglow, you've got to keep up with a daily skincare regimen. Find products that have a sustainability footprint you can be comfortable with, and use them regularly. But it doesn't stop there, and here are a few more things you can do.

Can't Beat 'Em? Join 'Em.

Stress is just going to happen. If you have kids or you like to go places (or both), you're going to deal with stress every single day of your life. But that's okay, because it's not actually the stress that does the damage; it's the way you handle the stress that can make you age more quickly. Wouldn't it be nice to be like a zen monk, sitting calmly while the world rages around you? Well, you can get there--or close to it--without giving away your possessions, moving to Tibet, and shaving your head. Download a meditation app and give it five or ten minutes every single morning before you get out of bed. Over time, you'll notice a massive change in your relationship to stress. And that is going to be good for your skin.

Go to Bed a Little Earlier

If you want glowing, beautiful skin, you probably need a little more sleep than you're getting right now. Since few moms have the luxury of pushing forward the time you get up in the morning, that only leaves one thing: the time you go to bed at night. Yes, this is going to cut into your enjoyment of TV shows and quiet time, but if you sleep at least seven hours a night, you'll be able to handle stress better. Your skin will thank you for the adequate rest.

Go Easy on Your Vices

You might not be able to imagine a day as a mom or a day on vacation without at least one giant cup of coffee, but did you know that caffeine may have a negative impact on your skin? Although coffee is an antioxidant and it may help circulation, it is also a diuretic, which causes your body to lose water every time you drink coffee. Your body--and your skin--needs that water to stay hydrated. Not only that, but drinking caffeine can deprive you of REM sleep, which is the deep sleep that gives your skin a chance to rejuvenate. Alcohol is another enjoyable vice that can damage your skin. Consuming alcohol breaks up your normal sleep rhythms, dehydrates you, and causes inflammation. The prevailing advice for both caffeine and alcohol are to enjoy them in moderation and to stay hydrated.

Get By with a Little Help From Your (Dermatology) Friends

And finally, never underestimate the power of your skincare technician. Skin resurfacing treatments like lasers and chemical peels can roll back the years. During these procedures, your dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or skincare tech can remove and remodel damaged skin, which encourages collagen and elastin production; the end result is new, healthy-looking skin. Skin resurfacing is commonly used to address wrinkles, face lines, age spots, uneven skin tone, loose skin around the eyelids, and scarring. Typically, you'll be given recommendations for special skincare products to use both prior to the procedure and after it.

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