March 4, 2025 18:17 PM

Beginners' Guide to Become a Travel Blogger

Beginners' Guide to Become a Travel Blogger

Lots of people think that travel blogging may become a steady source of income. You are paid for traveling all over the world and seeing new places! Sounds like a dream job. But it isn't always so. There are several things each beginning travel blogger needs to know, and not all of them are pleasant. But if you are ready to agree with them, you have already made your first step to becoming a successful travel blogger.

No one can guarantee you success

The classic "survivor's mistake" is to consider that all the travel bloggers become popular and get paid for their posts. It isn't as great as it looks. The number of bloggers who do have a solid, steady income that allows them to live and travel further is very small. The rest of the blogs just disappear and are erased from the Internet and from their audiences' memory. So, the best idea is to start a travel blog only if you simply love traveling. Thinking of your blog as a business plan is too risky.

Competition is intense

The niche of travel blogging isn't full, but there is not too much space to squeeze into. You'll always have to be more creative than the others, invent the new routes, make new senses, and find new places to go. You may invent some extra features, make your travel quest-like, or come up with something else that will appeal to your audience, but simply traveling and taking photos isn't enough anymore. Try to get acquainted with local people and customs, show unusual places from the natives' point of view, learn something about the way of life there. The world is still big enough to have a place unknown to most people.

What else can you get from blogging?

Blogging for money only isn't a great idea, as we said before. So, what else can you get from your blog? Possibly, you may be sponsored by local brands showing them as something exotic in your country? Or gather ideas for your full travel book? Or maybe just share your traveling experience with your distant friends and family? Money can be an incredible "side effect" for all of it. Choose a goal that is achievable and depends on you only. Then, no matter the financial success, you'll be happy with your blog.

Take your time

Travels take time; their description takes time too, and making your blog popular is another time-consuming activity. Don't expect it all to come at once. An average blog needs around a year to grow to a meaningful audience. If you are posting on social media, it may take less time, but don't be afraid if you still don't have thousands of followers after a couple of months. It may be a good idea to learn something about marketing strategies, use services like Hublaagram to promote your (read Hublaagram review to make sure it really fits you needs) or make a partnership with some local traveling companies. Possibly, they can even provide you a couple of free tours!

Consider some investment

We know you want to earn money on blogging, not spending it. But a good camera or actioncam and a high-quality site will be a great benefit and may give you a boost in growth. Think about your logo and order it. Make yourself a brand. You may even try some blogging or writing courses to feel more confident or take a few photography lessons to take breathtaking pictures from the places you travel to. Investing in your skills is always a great idea, be it touristic skills or blogging ones. Get ready for the fact that if you become a professional blogger, you'll have to spend a lot to place advertisements and draw people to your blog - but you'll earn even more!

Summing up, you don't have to create a blog for money only to avoid disappointment. Being a travel blogger is really fun, but it's also a hard and consistent work that requires lots of time to pay back. So the best way to do it is to find another reason, except money, to make your blog - and then enjoy your success as an incredibly pleasant surprise!

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