March 3, 2025 20:08 PM

Motorbike Traffic Collision: Common Causes and How To Avoid Them

Motorbike Traffic Collision: Common Causes and How To Avoid Them

A lot of people enjoy riding a motorbike because of the exhilaration they get when they are driving fast. However, due to the small structure of motorbikes, they tend to be more prone to collisions. What's worse is that they are at a higher risk of fatality once they get into a collision. 14% of all that died in 2017 due to traffic collisions were motorbikers.

What are the most common causes of motorbike traffic collisions?

Changing lanes unsafely

There are different causes that can be considered as unsafe lane changes. It can be by taking up too much room and causing other vehicles to hit the brakes or steer clear of you. Also, not using signals or late signalling, together with changing lanes too quickly, can be considered as unsafe lane changes.

Left and right-turn accidents

Intersections require riders an increased level of attentiveness. This is where the left and right turn accidents usually occur. There can be oncoming traffic which you may not have anticipated or the other way around which then leads to a collision.


Road speed limits in different countries worldwide are imposed as a preventive measure on the dangers of speeding. Speeding endangers riders with not having enough time to stop when an unexpected situation arises. It can also result in a loss of control of your motorbike. Additionally, speeding reduces your capability to observe the vicinity for oncoming traffic or conditions of the road like having bumps and cracks.

Drunk driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol has caused numerous deaths and accidents around the world. One of the side effects of alcohol is lowering the effectiveness of your cognitive skills while driving. This causes you a slower response to different situations you may encounter. Moreover, loss of concentration and misjudgment are also impacts of alcohol on your driving.

Sudden stops

Motorbike riders are prone to greater risks than car drivers. The dangers in sudden stops are commonly characterized by collisions with vehicles behind you, and conditions of the road and the weather you are travelling in. However, in motorbike braking, there is also a risk of flipping over when you slam on the brakes abruptly.

Lane Splitting

Driving in between two lanes between slowed down or stopped cars is called lane splitting. Even though the motorbike can fit into the tight space in between, this will increase the risk of getting into collision since these cars may move suddenly without expecting a vehicle to pass beside them.

Inexperienced drivers

The lack of knowledge on how to fully maneuver a motorbike will result in a high chance of motorbike collisions. It will be unsafe for inexperienced motorbike drivers to navigate into unfamiliar roads and control the vehicle at the same time. Driving a motorbike requires different bodily skills than in driving a car.

Dangerous road condition

Motorbike drivers sometimes drive into unfamiliar roads or endure heavy rains. The slippery road or the poor road structure can be hazards that cause them to lose control of the vehicle and get into motorbike collisions. The lack of familiarity on the road will lead the driver to not being able to properly navigate.

Defective motorbikes

A motorbike that is poorly maintained or is defective in the first place is unsafe to use. That is why you have to make sure that the motorbike that you're gonna purchase is in good condition. Check your vehicle regularly to see if it can be used on the long-distance drive.

Distracted driving

A driver that is distracted or feeling unwell will have the tendency of losing his or her focus in driving. Cellphones are one of the most common distractions that lead to motorbike collisions. It is advisable not to use any devices or even take a call while driving to avoid these accidents.

What can you do to stay safe?

Be an expert in motorbike driving

Do not attempt riding a motorbike if you are not an expert! First things first, learn everything you need to know about motorbike riding. If you really want a motorbike as your main mode of transportation, take lessons on how to ride them. Some organizations offer free courses on motorbike safety.

Keep your motorbike in a proper condition

Invest in the proper maintenance of your motorbike. You want to do all of the precautionary measures here. Get it regularly checked if the engine needs repairing or the tires need to be replaced. You do not want your motorcycle malfunctioning while you're in the middle of the road. Have your engines and brakes checked if they can endure long-distance drive.

Wear safety gear

It is also advised to invest in proper safety gear. Cheat death by wearing a helmet. A lot of people who have been into motorbike collisions had their lives saved because they were wearing a helmet. In other countries, not wearing one while riding a motorbike is illegal. Wear gears that will also make you noticeable. Gloves are also needed for your hands not to get abrasions while driving. Wearing layered clothes that can cover your whole body can also prevent you from getting injured badly if you got into a motorbike collision.

Do not drive under the influence

It's simple: do not drink if you are driving, do not drive if you've been drinking. In 2017, 28% of fatalities from motorcycle collisions were caused by drunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs will put you through harm instantly.

Follow the traffic rules

Familiarize yourself with all the traffic rules and signs and make sure that you follow them. Traffic rules are there to guide you in driving safely. Besides, not following these rules equates to breaking the law.

Drive accordingly

Make sure that you adapt your driving depending on the current situation. If there is heavy traffic, avoid lane splitting or overtaking - stay in your lane! In case it starts to rain, drive slowly or better, stop for a while and wait for the rain to stop. Same with driving on different terrain.

Keep your focus on the road

Avoid getting distracted while you are on the road. Keep your focus and always stay alert. Avoid texting or having calls while driving. This will remove your attention from what is in front of you which may cause rear-end collisions or other types of motorbike collisions.

How can you get help?

If you got into a motorbike traffic collision or you know someone who had, it is always a good call to consult a lawyer. There are lawyers that specialize in cases that involve vehicular accidents. The first thing that you have to discuss with your lawyer is proving fault in motorcycle traffic collisions - making sure that you are not the one at fault for you to win the case. Then, you just have to back your case up with proofs. Hiring a lawyer might be a smart move for you to lessen the burden on your shoulders knowing that an expert is helping you. Winning your claim can guarantee you compensation for the injury that you have sustained and for the medical expenses.

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