March 1, 2025 07:56 AM

Scorpion Found on a JetBlue Flight, Plane Taken Out of Service

A JetBlue plane had to be taken out of service after a scorpion was spotted on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Orlando.

According to Click Florida, JetBlue wouldn't confirm what was on Flight 748, but a spokesperson said it was taken out of service "because of reports there might be an unwanted stowaway on board."

Sources said it was definitely a scorpion that was on board. According to Click Orlando, the arachnid was in between a woman's legs. Sources said it was four inches long and it crawled back under one of the seats where it stayed for the remainder of the flight.

"That would be pretty alarming," traveler Michele Kunitz told Click Orlando. "I imagine I'd let go some sort of scream, some sort of sound of surprise."

The plane was taken out of service and the flight was delayed. The passengers had to board another plane while the crew inspected the flight thoroughly.

It is not clear where the scorpion came from and what sort of scorpion it was. If it was from Puerto Rico, it may have been a bark scorpion, Click Orlando says. These scorpions have venom and the pain or effects depend on the person who is stung. Typically it hurts as bad as a bad wasp sting.

"I just can't believe that got on the flight," Holly Haynes, who flew into Orlando International on Tuesday. "I don't understand how it could have even been an issue. That's really scary."

Even though the scorpion was on board, the passengers reportedly remained pretty calm. No one was hurt on the plane.

It is rare for scorpions to be found on a flight, but it isn't rare to find snakes. In December, an EgyptAir flight had to make an emergency landing after a snake bit a man who smuggled it on board.

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