March 3, 2025 22:42 PM

Is Now the Perfect Time to Plan a Future Trip

Is Now the Perfect Time to Plan a Future Trip
Is Now the Perfect Time to Plan a Future Trip

Unless you're one of the lucky few in the world right now, there's probably an extensive travel ban where you are. And even if there isn't, chances are you're not going to book a trip anytime soon. As the coronavirus continues to disrupt both daily lives and international travel hopes, what can you as an avid traveller do besides feel down?

Well, as counterintuitive as it may sound, perhaps you should plan a trip. No, not a trip for tomorrow, or even next month - but a trip for sometime in the future. It's important to remember, during tough times such as these, the power in looking ahead. But are people actually up for planning? According to a new study, online travel-related searches for over 200 popular U.S. vacation spots dropped by 64% in March and April combined, compared to the same period last year.

Something to Look Forward to

You're faced with two options: one, to sit at home and dwell on the present state of the world; or, two, to look forward to a time when you can head out and travel again. Not only is the second option more optimistic, but it also ensures that when this whole thing does blow over, you will have already proactively planned a getaway.

Many tourist organizations, such as hotels and attractions, may have temporarily hit a temporary pause button, but there's no reason you can't start formulating ideas for a future trip. You can still research destinations, map out itineraries, get your Unbound Merino travel clothing and even book flights. Which leads to the next point...

Falling Ticket Prices

As demand has plummeted, so too have ticket prices. Even for dates well in the future, you can find low prices on international airfare. This could be a very good time to get a flight... provided that you're smart about the type of ticket you buy,

Whatever you do, purchase a flexible, refundable ticket. While one can be optimistic that the travel ban will only be in effect for - tops - a year, you don't want to assume anything. This is a quickly evolving global situation, and what you "know" right now may change in the future. Build an escape clause into your ticket - choose the refundable option.

Lower Tourist Figures Expected Throughout 2020

Another potential reason to plan a trip right now is that you can expect, throughout the rest of 2020 and perhaps beyond, a dip in overall international tourism. The tourism industry, as of the time of writing, has already experienced a 30% dip, and given the upward trajectory of the pandemic figures, those figures show no signs of abating soon.

It's reasonable to expect, in the aftermath of the pandemic, that global tourism will cool for a while. That's bad news for industry workers, airlines and destinations for which travel is an essential source of revenue. Booking a trip in the aftermath of the coronavirus could mean much-needed dollars going toward a struggling industry. And for your tourist dollars, you're likely to be rewarded with a less busy, more accommodating travel atmosphere.

Is it wise to book a trip for next week? No. Is it even wise to book a trip for the summer? Maybe not. But that doesn't mean you should forego travel planning altogether. Continue to daydream, to put together itineraries and book flights. No one knows when this will be over - but it will be over.

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