March 4, 2025 00:59 AM

How to Stop Long Trips Destroying Your Posture

Anyone who's done any sort of long-distance travelling knows that it doesn't take long for niggling aches and pains to become a nuisance, which can often develop into something far more serious. Most times this comes from being sat in a bad position for too long. Whether you're due to board a transatlantic flight, embark on an overnight train, or brave a backpacker sleeper coach, you need to be aware of how to maintain good posture in order to arrive at your destination in the best possible shape.

Sit Right

The more sedentary the human race becomes, as manual jobs are replaced by those spent in front of a screen, research has shown that most cases of back and neck pain might well be related to your sitting position. In an office, this is easy enough to correct, with many companies providing guidelines to avoid such health issues, but when you're on the move - sometimes 40,000 feet in the air - following guidelines isn't quite so easy. That said, you should make sure you don't slump in your seat, cross your legs, or do anything that will hinder good circulation.

Invest in a Travel Pillow

Travel hubs are always full of people wearing this travel accessory round their necks and, although they have become something of a status symbol for those wanting to make it clear they fly on the regular - despite the pillows looking like inflatable sausages - there are also genuine health benefits to the travel pillow. So often seats on planes, buses and cars do not provide enough support for sleepy heads, which then flop into terrible positions, leaving the traveler in question unable to turn their head in certain directions when they wake up. A good travel pillow prevents this from happening, holding even the drowsiest of heads in position.

Treat Yourself to a Massage

Sometimes no matter what you do to stay loose on your travels, knots will find their way into your back and shoulder muscles, rendering you as stiff as a two-by-four. If this sounds familiar, then a good travel tip is to treat yourself to a massage upon arrival at your destination. But make sure that the masseuse you choose doesn't just give you a tickle and a rub down. Only a firm sports massage will really make sure that those knots get untangled, leaving you to enjoy your holiday or business trip to the full.

Get Up, Stand Up!

Anyone who flies on the regular knows the dangers of deep vein thrombosis, making sure to take regular trips to the bathroom or to ask the flight attendants for another glass of champagne. However, this wise advice isn't always taken by those travelling by train or road. It's equally important that when your bus or car driver takes a break, you do too, and shift your behind off that seat to catch some fresh air and to allow blood to flow back into your numb legs and butt cheeks. If there's no break in sight, then hog the aisle, or even stretch out and wriggle your toes from where you're sitting.

Drink Water

This is often a tricky one, as staying properly hydrated while travelling - especially backpacking - can lead to you having to use some of the worst bathroom facilities ever conceived, and that's only if a bathroom is available. However, you need to balance your fear of disgusting public restrooms with the knowledge that it's vitally important to stay hydrated when you travel, as this will further boost your circulation and help your muscles stay nimble and relaxed. No one wants to feel or look like a shriveled prune when they come through arrivals!


With so much entertainment and distraction available on mobile devices and - in the case of planes - in the back of headrests, it can often be tempting to forego sleep in favor of those Netflix episodes you downloaded. While screen-based distractions are good for passing time, you shouldn't allow them to stop you getting necessary shuteye. There's nothing worse than taking an overnight flight and landing at 7:00 AM to realize you haven't slept a wink.

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