March 4, 2025 00:33 AM

Practical Tips for Globetrotting in 2020 - Do’s and Don'ts

Practical Tips for Globetrotting in 2020 - Do’s and Don'ts
Practical Tips for Globetrotting in 2020 - Do’s and Don'ts

Has the itch to travel gotten to you? You wouldn't be alone. More than ever, it seems that people - young and old - are taking fantastic trips and visiting breathtaking, exotic locations. Maybe it's the fact that every other TV cable channel seems to have some sort of attention-grabbing travel show. Maybe it's because you see your friends on social media visiting places that used to seem far off and exotic, and you say to yourself, "That looks easy enough. I can do that." And maybe 2020 just feels like a clean slate, and nothing puts people in the mood to drive, fly, or sail away like a fresh start.

You should travel.. Go, have adventures, and when you post your photos and videos online, enjoy making your friends and family jealous. However, there are practical considerations if you're planning to travel in 2020. Here's our list:

Do Register to Vote - and Vote!

No matter what your travel plans are, don't forget that 2020 is a presidential election year in the United States. Not only that, but there will be elections in the federal, state, and local arenas that will need your attention. This is not a year to forget to vote!

Do Have Someone Look After Your Mail

This goes hand-in-hand with voting. Your mail will contain a lot of election-related material this year, so make sure you trust whoever is checking your mail for you. If you're going to simply have the post office hold onto it, research the election timeline ahead of time so you don't miss anything. As for the rest of your mail, setting up paperless utility bills is usually painless and, in some cases, it's more convenient than managing them the old-fashioned paper way. Also, you can ask your friends to skip sending you paper invitations in the event that they get engaged, pregnant, or otherwise celebratory while you're traveling. Ask them to do something nice for the environment by sending you paperless invitations when you're abroad, like the ones here.

Do File Your Taxes On Time

Nothing can kill your enjoyment of a trip like suddenly remembering that you've made the costly mistake of missing the deadline to file your taxes. File what you need to file before you leave, and it's one less thing to worry about.

Don't Ignore the News

With so many political events already happening in January and February, the year of 2020 doesn't seem like a good one to skimp on keeping up with the news back home, even if you're sunbathing on a tropical beach in paradise somewhere. Following the news will help you to make an informed decision when it's time to vote, but there is more to the news than politics. One example is the coronavirus outbreak in China, which brings us to our next tip...

Don't Be Careless

Specifically, don't be careless about communicable diseases and your health. CNN wrote this article, explaining what you need to know about the outbreak. You don't have to give up on your travel plans, but it's important to be aware of important world health events such as this one.

Don't Travel without a REAL ID

If you don't have a REAL ID, make sure you travel with a passport. You won't be able to fly with just a regular driver's license anymore. Check with the Department of Homeland Security's website for the most up-to-date information, but be aware that, at the time of this writing, the main deadline is October 1, 2020.

Do Have Fun

The topics we have covered here today are important ones if you're planning to travel the world in 2020; however, it's equally important that you have fun when you travel. As long as you do your research ahead of time, you should be set up to relax and have a memorable vacation. For more information, check out this article on apps that can assist you in planning a trip.

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