March 3, 2025 15:54 PM

5 Secrets from Flight Attendants

Air travel these days seems to be fraught with tension for everyone involved. People in the service industry do not have secure jobs, and flight attendants especially have a lot to juggle when it comes to passengers: keeping you safe, hydrated and fed, even when you are not behaving your best. Travellers sometimes let their frustrations get in the way of being polite to flight staff.

With thousands of passengers in their care every day, jet-lagged, flight attendants have seen it all. They possess a unique perspective when it comes to your flying experience and sometimes, they're too polite or professional to tell you about it.

These divulged secrets will make flying a happier, safer experience for all:

1. Don't walk in the aisle without shoes

Planes are dirty. A plane might look relatively spic and span when you board, but planes receive a thorough cleaning once a day. Cabin crew do pick up rubbish between each flight the plane makes.

2. When passengers are rude

Being rude is a surefire way to get on their bad side.

Disarm them by introducing yourself, asking his name, and saying something like "I've been incredibly nice to you for three hours. Why are you treating me like this?"

If you're demanding and rude, there's no way they'll give you a flight upgrade even if one's available and failing to be polite might result in your flight attendants "forgetting" to offer you beverage service. And if you're a frequent flyer, they'll note in your account that you're a problem customer.

Also, it is entirely inappropiate to reach out and grab them to call their attention. A simple "excuse me" if they walk past you suffices. If it's truly important, press your call button.

3. Bring diapers if you have a baby

That way, they won't be trying to make a diaper out of a sanitary pad and a pillowcase.

4. They don't know anything about landing

Don't ask if a delay will result in a late arrival. It's irritating for them how every passenger blames them for delays and such.

According to a flight attendant for Piedmont Airlines, an American Airlines Group subsidiary, "Don't ask me if the plane's going to be late because of the delay, because I don't know."

Knowledge and skills required for flying airplanes, particularly commercial aircraft, are left to the pilots. The Pilot-in-Command has an ultimate say from the moment you take-off to the moment you land.

5. They are not mind readers

Some people have much higher demands than others.

On how much travellers expect from flight attendants, according to a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines, "We're not mind readers. We may not necessarily know how to serve that individual person, nor can we tailor our service to every individual person, and I think sometimes people forget that."

Are you asking yourself "Who would have thought?" now?

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