February 23, 2025 06:43 AM

Planning to Travel Solo? Here's How You Do It!

Travel Solo

Traveling with someone can be complicated, especially if you're introverted or have recently gone through a rough patch. Alone time can entirely be different than going with a friend. Traveling solo might just almost be a religious experience for you.

Almost 50% of women have taken a solo trip in the past, and 75% of women are planning to take one in the next few years, said a British Airways global study.

To boost your motivation for traveling solo, here are 6 tips to guide you:

1. Fill your itinerary with activities.

Make a list in advance. It should be easy to follow but you should also be flexible in choosing other options or possibilities in iconic locations. Find activities from recommendations of your friends who have visited before or from reliable websites for travel.

2. Be confident.

Fake it till you make it that you know what you're doing as a solo traveler. Gradually, you find your way by yourself and make your own choices. Choose somewhere you'll be comfortable with, because if your comfort precedes confidence. Thus, you won't appear vulnerable.

Look confident to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. And if you really are lost, use your best judgment to seek for help.

3. Update your social media accounts that you're traveling to.

Let people know your whereabouts and when you'll be traveling for reassurance among your family and friends. It can provide them some peace of mind that you're safe and enjoying yourself.

4. Take extra care of your possessions.

Your gadgets will be enticing items for thieves and scam artists. Be cautious of your gadgets by not prancing them around and taking them out only when the timing calls for it. Your passport, wallet, money and credit cards should not be put in back pockets.

5. Learn the basics of the native tongue.

Learn basic phrases of the local language to connect with the locals and leave a favorable impression. But most importantly, for your basic needs and directions.

6. Learn the background of the destination.

Take note of important cultural norms, including (in)appropriate gestures and religious or cultural customs.

7. Be vigilant in giving our personal information.

A few white lies may come in handy to avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary danger. Don't tell people where you're sleeping or traveling alone. And especially, don't talk about your money and other valuable possessions.

8. Join group activities.

There are almost always activities you can participate in at your destination, and you don't have to be alone all the time. You can consider joining a multi-day group tour. You get to experience the destination on your own but with safe and reliable transportation and accommodation options are taken care of.

9. Blend in.

Be a traveler, not a tourist. You can wear conservative clothing or dress like the locals and not flash your camera around or squeal at every sight. It's a good way to meet people who will treat you differently as a traveler hungry for experiences.

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