Why is fall the best season for some? From the clothing choices to the fruits that come into season and you're not sweating like a pig because the weather is perfect.
Take advantage of Autumn before it's long gone. The Fall season is just right; not too hot and not too cold. Fall clothing is the best clothing too. You get to cuddle up in a big sweater with fuzzy socks and cute boots. You appreciate the world better as leaves slowly change from green to an array of yellow, orange, and red. It's time to pick pumpkins for carving and baking pies.
What better way to take advantage of the sweater weather than go to Europe? You will avoid nuisances that befall its visitors than any other season.
Here are the reasons why fall is the best season to travel to Europe:
One of our top recommends is Paris. "Sounds a bit cliche, but Paris is the perfect city to enjoy fall because you can sit at any coffee place and feel immediately in an old rom-com movie or like you were a famous novel writer," said By The Way's Paris City Guide writer Jennifer Padjemi.
In the City of Lights, you can stroll the Seine and the forest of Fontainebleau.
In Rome, however, "By the beginning of October, the city returns to the residents in full force. Everything is back in business, including the buses and politics. Even if it feels a bit chaotic, it's the kind of chaos we know and love because the city is alive following the summer snooze," By The Way, Erica Firpo said.
Rome is bright and sunny in the daytime and a bit chilly at night in the fall.
Autumn is often a great time to visit really hot countries like Spain and Italy.
In the fall, there are quiet scenes, readily available reservations and uncrowded museums.
Festivals take place to mark past events, with Munich's Oktoberfest being the most famous from late September through the first week of October.
There's also September's Lollapalooza festival in Berlin, Amsterdam Dance Event in October (perfect for dance music fiends) and Torino's Movement Festival in November.
Barcelona's La Mercè street party is famous for its human towers that seem to break the laws of nature. Venice is known for its carnival masks in Halloween. November signals the beginning of a new opera season in Italy. November to December 24 signals Christmas Markets to light up German and Austrian towns and cities.
Hotels offer discounts and specials to gain more customers. Austria's Stanglwirt Resort offers fall deals before the ski season. Adler Hotel and Spa offers several fall-themed specials in Italy's South Tyrol region.
Fall is abounding for finding some great discounts on travel in Europe. Flights are cheaper, particularly at Thanksgiving.
To feed yourself up for Winter, visit Europe's gastronomical powerhouses: Pizza in Italy, Paella in Spain, Currywurst and Goulash.
Late Autumn is one of the best times to visit annual Christmas markets: Brussels, Cologne and Strasbourg. Get preparing for Christmas early.
This article is copyrighted by Travelers Today, the travel news leader