March 8, 2025 20:51 PM

Avoid These Airports Which Have The Worst Services In The World

Traveling make up for some of the best memories in life, but not all parts of it are glamorous. Most of the time, traveling means spending countless hours in the airport transferring flights, getting delayed, and other inconveniences people usually associate with flying.

But some airports know how to deal with the passengers' frustrations, resulting in a pleasant flying experience. But there are also airports that make you want to swear off traveling anymore because of their total incompetence. Here are some of the worst airports in the world:

Ho Chi Minh City Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport, Vietnam. The long lines at this airport are particularly brutal, not to mention the funny business commonly going on in Customs. According to Cheat Sheet, bribery is a thing here, and if you want to get out of the airport fast, you might have to pay some grease money. The Wi-Fi and the public bathrooms also suck.

Santorini Thira National Airport, Greece. Exploring Santorini is a dream come true, but before you could experience this heaven, you must first have to go through hell. Sleeping in Airports reported that Santorini's airport is one of the worst in the world, and because of the staggering amount of tourists and Europeans traveling here every day, you must pack up a lot of patience. The long lines and crowds in this airport seem to stretch forever.

Port Au Prince Toussaint Louverture International Airport, Haiti. Reviews for this airport are terrible. And the reasons mostly boil down to faulty air-conditioning, filthy bathrooms, and their staff which you can't count on for being reliable. One review even said: "While it is centuries ahead of where it was 5 years ago, it is still very third world."

Caracas Simón Bolívar International Airport, Venezuela. What was once in the leading polls for being one of the best airports, over time the Caracas Simón Bolívar International Airport in Venezuela turned into a realm of havoc. It seems that the government didn't think it's necessary to upgrade and modernize the facilities of this airport, leaving passengers often swearing in frustration.

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