February 23, 2025 13:53 PM

Top 10 Signs That You Are a Terrible Traveler

There are all kinds of travelers, from experienced day-to-day travelers to the vacationers, but how does one know if they are a good traveler or not?

Here are the ten warning signs:

Expired Passport:

This is by far the most important in today's traveling world. Even Canada requires a passport to enter now. Without a valid passport, one shouldn't leave the house. Some people don't check their passport because it expires the next year, so they assume they are good. Think again, some countries require that the passport be valid for 6 months before the expiration date. Do the research before heading to the airport.

Haven't Done Research:

This goes for personal passport research and research for the countries and cities being visited. Are the places being visited open? Always make sure because sometimes they are not. For example, in Italy, the whole country shuts down in August. Would be a shame putting all that money to see Rome just to get there and realize all the museums are closed. How about going to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, but not knowing it is under construction during the time of the visit.

Remember, when it comes to travel, timing is everything. Don't be a misinformed traveler.

Overweight Bags:

With the way airlines charge fees, all a person needs is another fee to pay on top. On international flights, well, on most international flights, the first check-in bag is free, unless, it is over the weight limit. Hard to believe, but most people don't know that planes have bag weight limits. Before going to the airport, make sure the bags are under the required limit. Again, do the research to find out the limit of the airline being flown because all airlines have their own weight limit.

Too Many Items in Bag:

Constantly riffling through a carry-on bag, either on the lap or having to open the over-head bin will make the person the most hated on the plane. Be considerate of others around and if the items are needed, just put them in with the checked luggage.

Arriving Late to the Flight:

No one likes waiting on the plane for a late passenger, especially after waiting an hour or so to board the plane. Always leave plenty of time to get to the airport, check the bag and get through security. Even if the plan is drawn out, leave earlier then need, never know about traffic, delays in trains or bus times. Also note that arriving at the check-in desk with only a half hour before departure will result in missing the flight. Once the plane's cargo door is shut, no more luggage can be checked in. This can be ignore if only traveling with a carry-on bag.

Not Knowing Carry-On Rules:

No 4oz water bottles, no shampoo or nail cutters. Check the rules and regulations of the individual airlines by going to the airline website or the general guidelines by checking the Transport and Safety Administration's website.

Didn't Confirm Flight Status Online:

Maybe the flight time has changed? Maybe it has been canceled? Could the flight be rescheduled for another day? Never go to the airport without checking the online status first. Some airlines allow the passengers to use smartphones to check the status by scanning the boarding pass with the phone's scanner. Maybe, according to the status a few seats haven't been claimed, which will allow a person to change from an aisle to a window seat, or be bump up to business-class or first-class? Maybe, the plane is full and the seat change or upgrade is needed to be able to board? Either way, the flight status is needed to be checked.

Spending All The Time on The Computer:

If this is a vacation, why send it in with the computer? Go out and enjoy the things around. If on a beach resort, don't update Facebook, Twitter or spent all the time posting pictures on Instagram, go to the beach and enjoy the sun, sand and, in some cases, people.

Didn't Make a Packing List:

Slow and steady wins the race. Never pack at the last minute because doing that will cause one to forget things. Take out the luggage bag a few days prior and pack it little-by-little as necessary cloths, items and accessories come to mind. Don't be the person pleading with another person for a phone charger or extra batteries or an international power-converter plug.

Constantly Yelling at Other People:

Whether it be other passengers or airport/airline employees, no one likes rude people. These people will not un-cancel the flight or have a missed flight come back. Employees aren't the reason the security check-point took longer than expected. While on the plane and in the middle seat, it isn't the fault of the attendants or other travelers. If there is a legit problem or concern and the person asked isn't being much help, go to another person or ask to speak to a supervisor.

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