March 4, 2025 03:18 AM

Bizarre Packing: Bill Nye Never Travels Without Gaffer Tape And Bow Ties

Celebrities have different wants and needs that inspire them to become more creative or continuously support their on-screen character's appearance and personality. Bill Nye of "Bill Nye the Science Guy" cannot travel without a strange need for gaffer tape and of course his signature bowties.

According to New York Times, Bill Nye, the former mechanical engineer turned science celebrity, makes for a family reunion with his extended family each year during the summer. But before he leaves after all his shooting schedules for his latest show, he could not board without his trusty gaffer tape. The small black roll of tape is something he could use to fix things because "things rip, things break, things need to be covered up" and "tape is versatile."

His signature bowties will never leave his baggage. He said he brings about seven bowties and wears a different one every day. The light baggages are no bother for Nye, but he does have them dry cleaned regularly to ensure their "crispness."

Nye is about to embark on a new adventure with internet streaming service and show producers Netflix on a new show named "Bill Nye Saves The World." Nye is known as an advocate of science literacy. Vulture's interview with Bill Nye has him say the goal of the show is tackling the world's biggest problems from a scientific perspective.

Bill Nye's strange need for gaffer tape is quite similar to Andrew Zimmern, the host of "Bizarre Foods" in Travel Channel. Zimmern could not leave for a vacation or tour to somewhere without his favorite Japanese chili sauce because he likes a bit of spiciness for food he eats, or when airline food is a bit dull.

Aside from his bizarre gear, Nye needs to carry around his fountain pen and ink, the old-fashioned favorite being it has a "certain charm" when it comes to signing books or an autograph. Being a professional lecturer in universities, Nye also has a dongle for the projector that allows him to explain while moving slides in his computer presentation.

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