March 4, 2025 03:19 AM

Life-Saving Facts To Keep In Mind

The thing about emergencies is that you'll never know when they're about to strike until they're already at your doorstep. The old adage of prevention being better than cure always rings true and the following life-saving facts will hopefully keep everyone ready and alert should the situation call for it.

According to Business Insider, a recent thread on the Q&A site Quora elicited a bunch of life-saving facts that should easily pop into mind when danger comes knocking at your door. Such tips touch across the mundane of day-to-day living to misadventures and travel mishaps. Some can help you spot the red signs such as knowing what the gray rings around the iris could possibly mean while others serve best when followed such as not walking and texting at the same time.

If you find yourself lost during a hike, commenters Ernest Adams and Jon Mixon agreed that heading downhill to get to a water source or a fence can lead you back to something more concrete such as a road, a structure or even people you can ask help from. If you're outdoors in a public area and you find yourself hurt, a good life-saving fact to know is you're better off singling out a person for help than turning to the crowd. This would eliminate the social psychological phenomenon known as the Bystander effect wherein a victim gets no help from individuals in a crowd.

Anything can also happen when you're traveling so it's good to equip yourself with these life-saving facts and some travel hacks. Keep maximum-strength antihistamines to cast off allergies you might catch as well as aspirins to delay blood clots during heart attacks. Go incognito online if you're booking flights or hotels, according to LifeBuzz. Snatch WiFi passwords by scrolling through FourSquare comments and finally, save lives and spread the love by sparing whatever you can for the homeless or sharing a power strip with fellow travelers.

Travel hacks, Travel tips, Hacks
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