March 4, 2025 03:51 AM

'Stay Classy' Will Ferrell-Themed Bar To Grace Washington D.C.

Will Ferrell's legendary "The Anchorman" character Ron Burgundy has become somewhat an immortal pop culture icon known for telling San Diego to "Stay Classy" as he signs off from his show. Now, his iconic statement as the fictional California anchorman has become a theme bar that is arriving in Washington D.C. "Stay Classy" is a Will Ferell-themed bar and is one of many movie-themed bars in America and in different countries.

According to Lonely Planet, Zach Neil, who also created the Tim Burton-themed bar in New York City named Beetle House, an obvious Beetlejuice-heavy themed bar with other Burton works complementing the gothic-cartoon vibe of the venue. Neil said he was inspired after Beetle House enjoyed a year of great returns to "share the experience [of Stay Classy] with other cities" and spread the themed bars to different cities.

Stay Classy is designed as a classy bar with earthly tones surrounded by paintings and images of Ron Burgundy, the Anchorman. Most of the paintings are along the aisle in front of the bar. Some of the photos and paintings include movie memorabilia and cocktails directly quoted from the movie and other Will Ferrell movies such as "Shake and Bake," "Smelly Pirate Hooker" and "You're My Boy Blue."

According to DCist, the bar is truly arriving in Washington D.C.'s H Street NE starting in May 2017 from New York. Neil adds that the Stay Classy bar is "such a happy environment -- people come and have a blast," to which he compared a "fun bus" having come to town to entertain everyone.

The main difference of the "Stay Classy" branch in Washington D.C. to its New York counterpart is that the D.C. version will serve over-the-top burgers and other giant dishes. Direct references to other Will Ferrell movies include the "Wedding Crashers"-themed "Ma's Meatloaf burger." Neil also plans to have some Ferrell impersonators to read some updates and information about the bar's discounted items and menu, in an Anchorman "Channel 4 news" style similar to the movie.

The official launch of Stay Classy in Washington D.C is on May 3. It's grand opening and official launch would be on May 5 and would stay open for a month.

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