March 15, 2025 02:03 AM

‘Quantico’ Season 2 Spoilers: Clay Mixing Business With Leisure; Alex’s Friends Framed For Domestic Attack

This week on "Quantico" season 2, characters will face certain struggle and hard situation. Clay will be featured to learn lessons about mixing a business with leisure wherein he will be turning to his fiancée as he seeks for assistance about their latest mission. Meanwhile, one of Alex's friends might be in danger since it has been framed for a certain domestic attack.

During the previous episode, CIA and FBI team had their last mission together and it was Owen who spearheaded the said trip. The team head on a strange world and discovered how chaotic it is for a world of fake news. As the episode came to an end, the team welcomed a new member in the person of Harry after he proved his skills during the latest mission, Hidden Remote reported.

Meanwhile, the team will face a new investigation wherein Clay need to learn mix his work together with his personal life. On this upcoming episode, Clay will be asking for the assistance of his fiancée as the team gets into their latest mission. However, such move will only make his team members reexamine their relationship.

Moreover, Harry will also be featured struggling on his first week of being an official part of the team. He will try to figure out how dynamic the team is and will also try to fit himself into it.

Further, one of Alex's friends is expected to be in real danger this time due to a domestic terror attack and they'll turn to Alex for help. The task force will also come to realize that such terrorist attack is not a coincidence. Meanwhile, Alex and Owen will try to track down the assassin on this forthcoming episode, Cartermatt reported.

Meanwhile, Alex will find herself connecting into a certain asset that will help her uncover the conspiracy happening within the team. Stay tuned to "Quantico" season 2 in ABC.

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