March 3, 2025 18:50 PM

Discover The Village In Bali That Doesn't Bury Their Dead

Indonesia is a country full of deep-rooted culture. Some of their ancient tribes who have been thriving hundreds of years ago still exist today. One example is the ancient village of Trunyan, located in between the lake and the outer crater rim of Batur, a volcano in Kintamani.

The Trunyans also call themselves the "Bali Aga" people because they believe they were the original Balinese people. According to their belief, they were already there way before the arrival of the Hindu Majapahit kingdom that started in 1340.

The Trunyans are one of the most-talked about tribes in Bali because of their unusual way of honoring their dead. Instead of burying or cremating them, the Trunyans lay out their dead bodies in bamboo cages and leave them to decompose. After the bodies fully decompose into skeletons, the skull is removed and then placed on the stone platform underneath the huge Taru Menyan tree growing nearby.

Strangely though, the bodies don't leave a bad smell. The Taru Menyan tree nearby their burial site emits a pleasant odor which masks the smell of the decomposing bodies. The Trunyans also got their name from the name of the tree.

If in the case there were no more cages to leave a dead body, the longest body to be laid there is removed to make room for the next one. Only the men of the village are allowed to go inside this burial site, their tradition states that if women ever enter the grounds, a natural disaster would take place, per Daily Mail.

Before the bodies are taken to the cemetery, they are first cleaned with rain water. They are then wrapped in a cloth and their heads are left exposed. The men then carry the corpses to their bamboo cages.

Only married Trunyans were given the honor of this ritual while the unmarried were simply buried. Trunyan is the only place in Bali that performs this kind of practice.

Visitors who want to see the Trunyan village can do so via public transportation or a private car. Just enlist a local guide so you won't get lost along the way.

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