February 23, 2025 06:41 AM

KKK Robes in Class: Las Vegas School Under Scrutiny For Allowing Students to Wear KKK Costumes During Presentation

Two students that dressed up in Ku Klux Klan costumes during a U.S. history presentation at a Las Vegas school have made headlines. Media reports point to the teacher for allowing the students in KKK robes make the presentation. The principal at the school sent parents a letter and called the incident "inappropriate" reports The Associated Press. A photo of one of the students wearing the robe and hooded mask outside the class on Jan. 9 surfaced on social media, gaining the attention of principal Scott Walker from Las Vegas Academy.

Walker said to the AP that the students were not trying to harm or offend and that the school is not faulting the teacher for letting them present dressed up.

School officials and community members aren't faulting a Las Vegas Academy teacher for letting two

Principal Scott Walker said there was no intention to harm or offend on the part of the students.

The Las Vegas Sun reports that several students, parents, teachers and one school board member backed the teacher at a Thursday meeting.

The teacher and student weren't identified, and district officials say he wasn't disciplined.

Myfox8.com reported that the class assignment was for students to showcase their knowledge of U.S. history by either creating a dance or art piece or performing a first-person narrative or writing a research paper.

The two junior's at the high school, whose names have not been released, dressed in KKK costumes with their social studies teacher's approval.

"While the presentation was designed to highlight the atrocities committed by the Klan, and there was no intention to harm or offend on the part of the students, it was in poor judgment and inappropriate for students to go to such lengths to convey their message," Walker said in his message reported The Las Vegas Sun.

"I am deeply saddened that LVA, which prides itself on providing a supportive learning environment for all, was the site of any action that could cause sadness and anger for our school family," Walker added. "We are deeply sorry for this offensive incident and appreciate your support and cooperation as we use these events as teachable moments about cultural and historical understanding."

The Las Vegas Sun reported that in the past Las Vegas Academy was in the public eye after they allowed their theatre students to use the "N-word" in a production of "Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." The Sun also reported that the same teacher who allowed the KKK dress-up in class also allowed students to dress up as Adolf Hitler in other assignments.

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